Created in 2008, the ACCIONA Microenergia Foundation has mainly focused on providing electricity to 11,500 households in isolated rural communities in Mexico and Peru that have no prospect of being served by the conventional distribution grid. It does this by arranging economically sustainable programs centered around “social microenterprises” that use solar home systems to provide a basic electricity supply that is affordable for very-low-income users. Under the social microenterprise approach, users receive electricity from a solar home system, making it affordable in relation to their incomes. more[...]
Today, approximately 1.2 billion people in the world lack access to electricity. A further 1 billion people are connected to the grid but suffer from unreliable electricity levels. With a mission of bringing power to the energy poor, SkyPower is focused on the development of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) energy projects to provide green, clean, and affordable electricity to developing and emerging nations around the world. more[...]
The world is in a constant state of change. Effective climate protection requires both creativity and expert knowledge. With the aim of cutting fossil fuel consumption, MAN is developing new transportation and energy solutions that make our mobility even more efficient - and that take account of the entire product lifecycle. more[...]
At MTU Aero Engines, assuming responsibility – for products and services, employees, customers, partners, and not least for the environment – is a key priority. The biggest contribution of Germany’s leading engine manufacturer toward the protection of the environment comes from the eco-efficient products it makes using energy-efficient processes. “Product responsibility for us is the motivation that drives all of our business efforts,” emphasizes MTU Chief Executive Officer Reiner Winkler. “Eco-efficient and safe products are key to our long-term economic viability.” more[...]
PostNL installs 20,000 solar panels to significantly reduce carbon footprint. more[...]
Armacell is setting new standards for the FEF technical insulation industry and defining the role of Environmental Product Declarations for the insulation market and for safe and energy-efficient green buildings. more[...]
Resource efficiency means using the Earth's limited resources in a sustainable manner while minimising impacts on the environment. It allows us to create more with less and to deliver greater value with less input. more[...]
Audits zur Überprüfung des Verhaltenskodex oder gewisser Richtlinien innerhalb der Lieferkette reichen nicht immer aus, um eine wirkliche vertragliche Verpflichtung der einzelnen Akteure zur Gewährleistung von Arbeits- und Menschenrechten zu erreichen. Der Beitritt zu Verifizierungs- und Monitoring-Initiativen bzw. der Erwerb von Zertifikaten bietet hierzu einen weiterreichenden Schritt in Richtung soziale Unternehmensverantwortung. more[...]
Für Unternehmen ist es essentiell, über funktionierende Lieferanten zu verfügen, um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können. Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht die Fabriken besitzt, in denen die jeweiligen Produkte hergestellt werden, so hat es doch die Verantwortung, dass in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen. Neben regulären Qualitätsüberprüfungen werden so genannte Sozial- und Umwelt-Assessments immer wichtiger, um Transparenz im Bereich Arbeits- und Menschenrechte und Umwelt in der Lieferkette herzustellen. Assessments bzw. Audits müssen als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie bzw. als Teil der Kommunikation innerhalb der Lieferkette angesehen werden und auch in die Lieferantenverträge mit einbezogen werden more[...]
Wie sieht eine Zukunft aus, in der wir uns der Ressourcenknappheit stellen müssen? Welche Technologien werden uns dabei helfen, unseren täglichen Verbrauch von Rohstoffen zu senken? Und was tut die Politik in Deutschland dafür, Anreize für Ressourceneffizienz zu setzen? more[...]
There is a “crystal ceiling” for yearly energy consumption of 2,400 GWh, double the current consumption. In order to reach this quantity, new hydroelectric, solar, Aeolic, and gas generation projects will have to be put into practice. more[...]
The ambition of a young girl named Ms. Thaw Thaw* was to attend a university in the city after finishing high school. As she had studied hard for the matriculation exam, she was accepted by Myanmar Maritime University in Yangon, a commercial city and the former capital of Myanmar. Her dream came true but the only difficulty was that her parents could not fully support her financially for her university education or afford the cost for her to live in the city. Thaw Thaw was from a middle-income family from a village called Phaung Gyee, which is situated far from the city. more[...]
Sakhalin Energy, the operator of the largest oil and gas project ever implemented in Russia, is committed to compliance with the highest international standards for respecting, supporting, and promoting human rights at all stages of its business activities. more[...]
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