Checklisten-Serie, wie Unternehmen Lücken in ihren Nachhaltigkeitsprogrammen finden und schließen können. Dieses Mal geht es um die Verbesserung von Umweltprogrammen. more[...]
2015 proved to be a pivotal year as the global community welcomed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and participated vigorously during the COP21 in Paris. So many opportunities are now being presented to the business sector to prove that it can be a force for good. As a responsible corporate citizen, the Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH) readily took action in identifying where it can best contribute toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Philippines. By choosing to focus on three SDGs, the Corporate Social Responsibility office (CSR) of MDH will allow it to maximize its resources and make a long-term commitment with its partners. more[...]
In recent years, the need for improved weather and climate data and information has become increasingly evident. As urbanization continues and society becomes increasingly reliant on infrastructure and technology, humankind is more and more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, extreme weather events, and other environmental hazards. The protection of life and property is highly dependent on the availability of accurate, precise data and information. For more than 80 years, Vaisala has addressed the need for quality environmental data and information through numerous scientific and technological advancements, enabling individuals and groups to better diagnose and mitigate the impacts of climate change and high-impact weather. more[...]
Um den weltweit fortschreitenden Verlust an genetischer Vielfalt, Arten und Lebensräumen einzudämmen, beschloss die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Umwelt und Entwicklung 1992 das Übereinkommen über die biologische Vielfalt (Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD). Im Kontext der deutschen CBD-Präsidentschaft 2008 wurde die internationale "Business and Biodiversity Initiative" gegründet, mit dem Ziel einer stärkeren Integration von Unternehmen beim Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt. more[...]
Mit der fortschreitenden Globalisierung und Spezialisierung hat sich der Trend zum Outsourcing in den letzten Jahrzehnten stetig verstärkt. Unternehmen, die ihre Produktion und Dienstleistungen auslagern, lagern auch ihre Reputationsrisiken und ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung aus. Die dementsprechende Bedeutung eines guten Lieferkettenmanagements ist Unternehmen wie auch Anlegern bewusst. more[...]
Green bonds offer new ways of raising capital for companies that want to finance projects or activities that promote environmental sustainability. Deutsche Bank has been a key player in this market from the start by supporting companies interested in issuing green bonds and working with other leading financial institutions to create the Green Bond Principles, which aim to make the market more consistent and transparent. more[...]
How can new technologies support us in reducing C02 emissions? How can we protect our personal and business data? And why do we need more cyber security professionals? Deutsche Telekom answers these important societal questions with an application for tablets and smartphones. The “We Care” app offers an educating and entertaining insight into the corporate responsibility activities at Deutsche Telekom. Throughout 2015, several magazinestyle issues are being published, each focusing on a different topic. more[...]
The Volkswagen Group has set the goal of becoming the most sustainable car manufacturer in the world by 2018. Germany’s Energiewende (energy transition or revolution) sets a framework for this. more[...]
The Weidmüller Group founded the Weidmüller Academy back in 2003. It is in this institution that the electrical engineering specialist bundles all of its corporate qualification activities. “We never lose sight of the challenges of the future and the changes taking place in the global markets when working in the Academy,” continues Dr. Niggemann. “Our main areas of concern are lifelong training and continuous knowledge development.” more[...]
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