Module D2: Climate Change


Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet


Start: November 20, 2017

Language: English

Climate change has loomed large for decades, its damaging effects increasingly acknowledged by scientists, politicians and businesses alike. With the negotiation and ratification of the sweeping Paris Agreement in 2016, that acknowledgment has turned into commitment to prevent further global warming. - But how do we turn commitment into action?

Learn about emerging solutions and debate best approaches to climate action in this free massive open online course.

Among the topics covered in Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet:

  • The science behind reducing global greenhouse gas emissions
  • What businesses and government can do to decarbonize the economy
  • The role of agriculture in reducing emissions
  • How satellites are being used to identify high-emissions areas
  • Case studies of emissions reduction from Russia and Australia
  • The actions communities and individuals can take to make climate action a reality

Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung

VA-BNE: World in Transition

Start: Jederzeit (Self-paced Learning)

Sprache: Deutsch


Diese Veranstaltung der VA Bildung Nachhaltige Entwicklung befasst sich mit Grundfragen des Klimaschutzes und zeigt aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive Klimaanpassungsstrategien auf. Menschliche Aktivitäten haben seit Beginn der Industrialisierung in starkem Maße zu einem Anstieg der Treibhausgaskonzentrationen in der Atmosphäre geführt. Wichtigste Ursache ist die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe, wie Öl, Kohle und Gas, bei der unvermeidbar Kohlendioxid freigesetzt wird. Zum Anstieg der atmosphärischen Kohlendioxidkonzentrationen trägt zudem die fortschreitende Entwaldung der Erde bei. Im Rahmen dieses Moduls werden vielfältige Aspekte des Themas bearbeitet wie z.B. Klimaänderungen und deren Folgen in den verschiedenen Systemen, die internationale Klimapolitik mit der Weiterentwicklung des internationalen Vertragswerkes zum Klimaschutz (Klimarahmenkonvention, Kyoto-Protokoll). Des Weiteren wird auf umweltrelevante Aspekte wie der Einfluss der Klimaveränderung auf Luft, Wasser, Boden sowie alltagsrelevante Bezüge des Klimaschutzes eingegangen.


Climate Change, Risks and Challenges


Start: At any Time (Self-paced Learning)

Language: English

The challenge of climate change is one of the major challenges for the international community. However, there is no intuitive approach to the problem. Rather, it can only be grasped through scientific knowledge, which guides the transformation process in terms of action taken.

The first signs of change are clearly evident. Extreme weather conditions around the world are becoming increasingly frequent and the Arctic ice is disappearing. The temperature increase can be felt in our everyday lives. These and other phenomena will intensify and have a more or less drastic effect on our living conditions. Our climate is our future. The changes in our environment are disconcerting and raise a few questions

  • Can we adapt to the impacts of this event?
  • How can we interpret these and similar observations?
  • To what causes can we attribute the changes?
  • What predictions can we possibly make?
  • What can I myself do?

A group of leading German scientists from renowned research facilities asks these questions here in the MOOC by the WWF and Deutsches Klimakonsortium (DKK).





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