Third Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights

“Advancing business and human rights globally: alignment, adherence and accountability"

Organizer: United Nations
Location: Geneva
Country: Switzerland

01.12.2014 - 03.12.2014

The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights is convening the third annual Forum on Business and Human Rights to take stock of the implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Forum will focus on multi-stakeholder dialogue and engagement, national action plans to implement the Guiding Principles, access to effective remedy and identifying current and good practice.

  • Local Implementation of Business and Human Rights Tools and Resources 1 Dec, 11:45-13:15
  • Pre-Forum Meeting for Business Representatives and Networking Reception 1 Dec, 19:30-21:30
  • Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in Human Rights Due Diligence Oxfam International, 3 Dec, 11:30 - 13:00




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