Business Ethics

Business ethics - some also call it corporate ethics - deals with moral principles and social values. It is based on the assumption that as an individual as well as organization you should act ethically. According to Andrew Crane, "Business ethics is the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed."

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Ethics and Business: Ensuring Credibility

By Prof. Andreas Suchanek (Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL))

"Ethics, in the form of a shared basic understanding of “right” values, such as dignity, freedom, justice, etc., are the foundation of the social market economy. Competition and legal foundations, both of which are essential for a market economy, lose their ability to function when people lose trust, and maintaining trust is always (also) a matter of the responsibility – or more generally: practiced values – of those active in the market economy."  more[...]  login_required


Can Corporate Social Responsibility Lessen the Impact of a Crisis or Lead to a Faster Recovery?

By Craig Badings (Cannings Corporate Communications)

Too often, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is driven by social or government pressure, the fear of possible negative publicity, or the expectations that the financial markets have of listed companies.  more[...]  login_required


Financial Services Professionals Feel Unethical Behavior May Be A Necessary Evil

Labaton Sucharow LLP announced the results of its survey of 500 financial services professionals across the United States and United Kingdom. Conducted by Populus in June, Wall Street, Fleet Street and Main Street: Corporate Integrity at a Crossroads reveals startling data on corporate ethics, the regulatory landscape, and individuals' willingness to blow the whistle on wrongdoing.  more[...]  login_required


Responsible Lobbying

By Dr Stephanos Anastasiadis (Royal Holloway, University of London), Dr Sigrun M. Wagner (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Lobbyists paying elected representatives to place questions in the UK parliament. Arms manufacturers giving South African officials BMWs in exchange for armaments contracts. Smoke-filled back rooms featuring stuffed brown envelopes. No wonder lobbying has a bad name. But these are not images of lobbying: They depict corruption, albeit in a policymaking setting. These actions are morally suspect and usually illegal. They also contravene the UN Global Compact: Principle 10 requires the combating of corruption.  more[...]

  • Managing Corporate Legitimacy and the UN Global Compact

    Prof. Andreas Georg Scherer, University of Zurich
    Dr. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, University of Zürich

    In this article, we explain why managing legitimacy is vital for corporations and how business firms can employ strategies to maintain their legitimacy. We then discuss the organizational capacities that each legitimacy strategy implies and point out their inherent tensions. Based on the results of an empirical study, we show how two large corporations have handled these tensions and successfully introduced organizational prerequisites for managing legitimacy. In the final part of this article we elaborate on how participants of the UN Global Compact can use the initiative to strengthen their legitimacy.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Do we need a new economic system?

    Dr. Elmer Lenzen

    In 1933, representatives from 66 countries met in London to find a common solution to that era's global economic crisis. The idea: to have London send a signal for a new global financial system. The conference was a flop. On BBC Radio, economist John Maynard Keynes called it a complete yawn, and went on to say that conferences of this type usually ended in empty platitudes and ambiguous phras es.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Dr. Elmer Lenzen
  • We’re All Global Commoners Now

    James Bernhard Quilligan

    Economic analysts often look at the world’s monetary and financial asymmetries without understanding their historical causes. Yet the international community -- including the private sector -- must address the origins of these structural imbalances if there is to be a meaningful adjustment of the economic system.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    James Bernhard Quilligan
Post Growth
  • Growth: A Hard Habit to Break

    Prof. Dr. Felix Ekardt

    If we are to take the Paris Agreement on climate change seriously, growth-driven society is on the way out. But greed is part of the human condition, and no one knows what life without growth would be like.  more[...]

    The Author
    Prof. Dr.  Felix Ekardt
  • Going Beyond GDP – Measuring Social Progress

    Julia Vol

    Agreement is emerging between politicians, social actors, and businesses worldwide – that economic growth alone cannot provide an accurate indication of prosperity. Relying on economic growth as the sole measurement for social progress provides an incomplete picture. But there is a new measurement that attempts to provide a better understanding of the components of a successful society and social order.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Julia Vol
  • Overview: Economic and Wealth Indicators

    Gross domestic product (GDP) has been used for decades as the most important indicator of economic performance and prosperity. But the concept of GDP is increasingly coming under fire. Are we measuring completely irrelevant numbers? Robert F. Kennedy wise stated that GDP “measures everything except that which is worthwhile.” So which economic and wealth indicators do we have? Which are sustainable?  more[...]

    The Author
AuthorTitleYearRelated tags
Office of Fair Trading Competing fairly – An introduction to the laws on anti-competitive behaviour 2011 Business Ethics
AuthorTitleYearRelated tags
PricewaterhouseCoopers Anti - competitive practices 2011 Anti-competitive Practices
Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply Anti-Competitive Practices 2012 Anti-Competitive Practices, Business Ethics
International Trade Centre Combating Anti-competitive Practices – A Guide for Developing Economy Exporters 2012 Business Ethics, Anti-competitive Practices

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