Sustainability management is a concept that optimizes the processes of an organization to help them act in a sustainable manner. It is an integrated system that deals with the major challenges of sustainability: sustainable development of the organization through an integrative way regarding social, environmental, and economic aspects of their activities. It covers all fields of impact of an organization. Running a sustainable business can be easily realized with a good sustainability management concept. In the end, it benefits present and future societies and helps maintain a high-quality level of life on our planet.
Sustainability management can, for instance, contain the following aspects:
Prof Steve Cohen (Columbia University) addresses current sustainability management issues and provide a means to address them in any organization. He will show how a host of sustainability efforts, ranging from energy to waste management, can positively impact businesses, the global economy and the planet. Lastly, he will make the case that sustainability can foster long-term economic growth while ensuring the Earth remains a productive and viable planet for current and future generations.
Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet eine Checkliste für Nachhaltigkeits-Programme. Im ersten Teil dieser Serie geht es um das Aufstellen einer generellen Strategie. more[...]
Checklisten-Serie, wie Unternehmen Lücken in ihren Nachhaltigkeitsprogrammen finden und schließen können. Dieses Mal geht es um die Verbesserung von Umweltprogrammen. more[...]
Diese Checkliste konzentriert sich darauf, wie Menschenrechte im betrieblichen Umfeld gewahrt werden können. more[...]
Heute stellen wir eine Checkliste zum Thema Arbeitsbedingungen zur Verfügung. Arbeitsbedingungen lassen sich definieren als alle arbeitsbezogenen Strategien und Tätigkeiten, die innerhalb oder im Auftrag von einer Organisation implementiert und ausgeführt werden (ISO 26000). more[...]
Diese Checkliste konzentriert sich darauf, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit Kunden und Verbrauchern errreicht wird. more[...]
Diese Checkliste hat das faire Wirtschaften zum Thema. Dazu zählen Fragen zu Korruption, politischer Einflussnahme, Eigentumsrechten und Fragen zur Lieferkette. more[...]
This paper discusses so-called corporate responsibility standards (e.g., the Global Reporting Initiative and Social Accountability 8000) from the perspective of post-structuralist philosophy, in particular Derridian thinking. I introduce these different initiatives and contrast them against each other. Next, I offer a discussion of their limits in general, and their paradoxical nature in particular. I conclude with a variety of practical recommendation suggesting that, while corporate responsibility standards can potentially offer good managerial guidance they are also flawed in a variety of ways. more[...]
This article suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardisation is
examined from the perspective of organisation studies three aspects stand out: the
standardisation of organisations, standardisation by organisations, and standardisation as
(a form of) organisation. Following a comprehensive overview of existing research in
these three areas, we argue that the dynamic aspects of standardisation are
underrepresented in the scholarly discourse. Furthermore, we identify the main types of
tension associated with standardisation and the dynamics they generate in each of those
three areas, and show that, while standards and standardisation are typically associated
with stability and sameness, they are essentially a dynamic phenomenon. The article
highlights the contributions of this special issue to the topic of standards as a dynamic
phenomenon in organisation studies and makes suggestions for future research.
To move forward, every company needs a compass – one that does not just orient the company to profit targets, but also to morals. Without this, one faces the threat of incalculable reputation risk, as currently can be seen at Volkswagen. But how does one get mission statements and role models up and running in a company? To answer this question, we spoke with Kai M. Beckmann, who works on the challenges of corporate responsibility within economic, legal and social realms (Governance, Risk & Compliance) at Roever Broenner Susat Mazars. more[...]
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