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  • Integrity, As a Core Strategic Imperative!

    Dominique Lamoureux, Thales
    Thales Group

    The technological expertise that the company has been cultivating for more than a century is crucial to the security of people, goods, and information. Thales is therefore in a unique position and has a particular responsibility to its stakeholders and to society at large.  more[...]

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  • Integrity, As a Core Strategic Imperative!

    Dominique Lamoureux, Thales
    Thales Group

    The technological expertise that the company has been cultivating for more than a century is crucial to the security of people, goods, and information. Thales is therefore in a unique position and has a particular responsibility to its stakeholders and to society at large.  more[...]

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  • WHO and Sanofi: A Public-Private Partnership to Save Lives

    Dr. Benedict Blayney, Sanofi
    Pierre-Guillaume Harscouët, Sanofi

    For Sanofi, as a global healthcare partner, improving access to healthcare for the most disadvantaged patients is pivotal to its corporate social responsibility approach. At the core of this commitment is the long-term partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to control a group of debilitating infectious diseases, called “neglected tropical diseases,” which affect mostly poor people in developing countries. Since the partnership began, in 2001, more than 20 million people in sub-Saharan Africa have been screened for sleeping sickness, and more than 170,000 patients have received free treatment for what is a fatal disease, if left untreated. This partnership has put the elimination of sleeping sickness within reach – a prospect that was unthinkable a decade ago.  more[...]

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  • Philanthropy As an Integral Part of CSR

    Jeffrey Revels, TMS Group
    TMS Group

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) encompasses many different components across a myriad of industries in both the public and private sectors. One of the most demonstrative aspects of CSR involves philanthropy, which not only includes a commitment of monetary support, but a personal involvement in volunteerism, too. These much-cherished values represent the cornerstone of our year in 2012 and future CSR endeavors.  more[...]

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  • Saving Lives Around the World with Zinc

    Kathleen Reid, Teck Resources
    Teck Resources Limited

    The Zinc Alliance for Child Health (ZACH) brings together Canadian organizations committed to accelerating the use of zinc and ORS around the world to treat diarrhea, one of the leading killers of children. More infants die from diarrhea-related illnesses associated with zinc deficiency than from HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. ZACH aims to make the management of childhood diarrhea a key part of reducing child mortality. ZACH works with all levels of government to help ensure the availability of supplies and treatment that is affordable for families, communities, and the wider health system.  more[...]

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  • Saving Lives Around the World with Zinc

    Kathleen Reid, Teck Resources
    Teck Resources Limited

    The Zinc Alliance for Child Health (ZACH) brings together Canadian organizations committed to accelerating the use of zinc and ORS around the world to treat diarrhea, one of the leading killers of children. More infants die from diarrhea-related illnesses associated with zinc deficiency than from HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. ZACH aims to make the management of childhood diarrhea a key part of reducing child mortality. ZACH works with all levels of government to help ensure the availability of supplies and treatment that is affordable for families, communities, and the wider health system.  more[...]

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  • Increased Road Safety – All over the World

    Julia Glogowski, Volkswagen
    Volkswagen AG

    Volkswagen produces vehicles of the highest quality and reliability, resulting in the highest level of safety for customers. But closing a sale is not the end of our responsibilities. On the contrary, whether our customers are in Mumbai, Beijing, or Wolfsburg, we provide them with targeted training to help them feel safe while driving. The worrying figures in international accident statistics, especially from emerging economies, have led us to respond in this manner. The Volkswagen Group is actively engaging with various traffic-training programs tailored to the individual markets – our motto is: “Every traffic-related death is one too many.” The Group includes the German market in these efforts, of course. The Autostadt in Wolfsburg – which offers a world of experience in these matters as well as a communication platform for all things to do with mobility – has a “Learn Park” for children 5 to 11 years old and offers them the chance to obtain a “child driver’s license.” Meanwhile, in the “safety training track,” parents experience first-hand that a cautious driving style not only increases safety but is also good for the environment.  more[...]

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  • Implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan on Sakhalin Island

    Sakhalin Energy

    As the first company in Russia to start shelf hydrocarbons production from offshore ice-resistant platforms and liquefied natural gas production, Sakhalin Energy can be justifiably proud of its achievements in the field of environmental protection. The environmental control, local monitoring, and conservation of biodiversity programs implemented by Sakhalin Energy are among their best practices and are aimed at minimizing the impacts on the unique ecosystems of Sakhalin Island.  more[...]

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