• Going Beyond GDP – Measuring Social Progress

    Julia Vol

    Agreement is emerging between politicians, social actors, and businesses worldwide – that economic growth alone cannot provide an accurate indication of prosperity. Relying on economic growth as the sole measurement for social progress provides an incomplete picture. But there is a new measurement that attempts to provide a better understanding of the components of a successful society and social order.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Julia Vol
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  • Overview: Economic and Wealth Indicators

    Gross domestic product (GDP) has been used for decades as the most important indicator of economic performance and prosperity. But the concept of GDP is increasingly coming under fire. Are we measuring completely irrelevant numbers? Robert F. Kennedy wise stated that GDP “measures everything except that which is worthwhile.” So which economic and wealth indicators do we have? Which are sustainable?  more[...]

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  • A Big Data Revolution for Sustainable Development

    Robert Kirkpatrick, UN Global Pulse

    The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s High Level Panel has called for a “data revolution” for sustainable development; such a revolution has already arrived in the private sector. But forward-thinking companies can now lead a revolution in corporate social responsibility (CSR) to help us address some of the world’s most pressing issues.  more[...]

    The Author
    Robert Kirkpatrick, UN Global Pulse 
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  • MDGs and SDGs: Are the Concepts Compatible?

    Dr. Markus Loewe, German Development Institute

    For the last 20 years, the international development debate has been dominated by two trends that seem, at first, to be heading in a similar direction. However, under closer scrutiny, they differ with respect to their focus and underlying philosophies. On the one hand, there is the agenda of reducing poverty in developing countries in its various dimensions, which found its expression in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). On the other hand, there is the idea of sustainability that became popular at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and that, at the Rio+20 summit in 2012, generated a parallel concept to the MDGs: the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  more[...]

    The Author
    Dr. Markus Loewe, German Development Institute 
  • CCC’s Solar Power Adventures

    Tony Awad, Consolidated Contractors Company
    Consolidated Contractors Company

    As a pioneer in the construction industry, and with a vision to lead in promoting green awareness, CCC believes in providing future generations with a healthy and safe environment as well as social and economic prosperity. As a result, CCC started examining the implementation of solar energy applications on construction camps in the Middle East early on. At the moment, solar technology is put to successful use in various CCC units and projects. The rationale behind these schemes is to reduce the electrical energy consumed by camps by utilizing environmentally-friendly technologies.  more[...]

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  • Exploring Sustainable Biofuels for Aviation

    Pauline Lacroix, Air France and Jacqueline Houweling, KLM

    Air France - KLM considers the transition from fossil fuels to renewables as a priority to ensure the future of commercial aviation. The Group’s strategy is to explore the entire value chain, from research to commercialization, and to set an example for the rest of the industry. Partnerships are important to accelerate the development of a market for sustainable biofuels.  more[...]

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  • Women’s Empowerment at Nestlé

    Bineta Mbacke, Nestlé
    Nestlé S.A.

    In May 2013, Nestlé signed up to the Women’s Empowerment Principles: a partnership initiative between UN Women and the UN Global Compact comprising a set of seven steps that business can take to advance gender equality and empower women.  more[...]

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  • Building Bridges to a Brighter Future

    Ralf Dürrwang
    Christoph Selig
    Deutsche Post DHL

    Deutsche Post DHL has been partnering with SOS Children’s Villages since 2011 in an initiative to help disadvantaged young people bridge the gap to the world of employment. In Brazil, one of the original four pilot countries, the program has flourished by employing a unique approach in which local DHL employees from all levels volunteer their time in hands-on workshops to tutor and mentor youth from the favelas. This not only provides inspiration and role models for the kids, but is also a valuable and eye-opening experience for the employees. The initiative has been so successful that it has spread to 14 countries, with another 10 to be added during 2014, and more on the horizon.  more[...]

    The Author
  • The Bank Everyone Can Trust and Rely On

    May Myat Thu, Ayeyarwady Bank
    Ayeyarwady Bank

    AYA Bank has strived to become a “trusted partner” for everyone in the community and all its stakeholders, as its slogan indicates. To effectively become a partner that everyone trusts, AYA Bank believes in committing to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as part of its strategy and practice, focusing on fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities to the community it serves.  more[...]

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  • Traceability models

    Editorial Team

    There are three main models in terms of how traceability schemes trace sustainability claims. These models offer different approaches to tracking a claim and confirming it at each point in the supply chain. The three models are Product Segregation, Mass Balance, and Book and Claim. They are differentiated by the extent to which certified and non-certified materials are permitted to mix, as well as by claims that can be attached to the final product.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • World’s First Guide on Traceability Advances Supply Chain Sustainability

    Elga Reyes, Eco Business

    The United Nations Global Compact and BSR have released the first guide on traceability, which will help companies and consumers ensure that their materials and products are produced responsibly.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Elga Reyes, Eco Business 
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