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  • Investing in a Sustainable Future

    Editorial Team

    The Dansk Bank Group believes that a higher level of education and financial literacy is crucial in maintaining stable economic growth. In 2008, Danske Bank therefore established The Financial Literacy Programme (including initiatives for customers as well as non-customers from the age of 5 up to the age of 27) dedicated to improving the level of financial literacy education and therefore started with initiatives for children.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
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    Editorial Team
  • Danske-Bank-Investing-In-A-Sustainable-Future

    Charlotte Bengt Petersen, Danske Bank Group

    The importance of access to education and learning is underscored in the global human rights that form the foundation for the Principles of the UN Global Compact. Education is a key factor in strengthening an individual’s capabilities and wherewithal, and financial literacy is an essential component in that regard. At the Danske Bank Group, we also believe that financial education and ethical guidelines are the path to personal prosperity and sustainable growth in the future. That is why in 2007 we developed our Financial Literacy Programme, which consists of a number of learning activities for children and young adults from the ages of 5 to 27.  more[...]

    The Author
    Charlotte  Bengt Petersen, Danske Bank Group 
  • Deutsche Post DHL - Making A Global Contribution To Education Through Partnership

    Ralf Dürrwang, Deutsche Post DHL

    As one of the largest logistics companies in the world and an adherent to the UN Global Compact, Deutsche Post DHL is well-aware of its solemn responsibilities toward society, including the respect for human rights. It understands that “Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights” (Principle 1 UNGC). Deutsche Post DHL considers these societal responsibilities not as a burden, but as guiding tenets that can offer opportunities while advancing its business.  more[...]

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    Ralf Dürrwang, Deutsche Post DHL 
  • Große-Entrup, Wolfgang

    Editorial Team

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  • Partnerships for More High-Quality Food

    Dr. Wolfgang Große-Entrup, Bayer Group
    Bayer Group

    Safeguarding food supplies for a constantly growing world population will be among the most pressing problems of the future. Bayer is providing an innovative solution with the program “food chain partnership.” This business model supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of fighting poverty and hunger throughout the world and contributes to sustainable development.  more[...]  login_required

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