• Entrepreneurs. Grow Your Business, Responsibly

    Carol Sanford, InterOctave Global

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    Carol Sanford, InterOctave Global 
  • Let’s act in Rio

    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘

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    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘ 
  • Call to action – Join the movement!

    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘

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    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘ 
  • 9 billion reasons to act NOW

    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘

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    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘ 
  • Energy efficiency – comfort vs. sustainability

    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘

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    Lisbet Bræmer-Jensen, Grundfos & ‘Act NOW‘ 
  • Bræmer-Jensen, Lisbet

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
  • The Millenium Project

    Editorial Team

    The Millennium Project was founded in 1996 after a three-year feasibility study with the United Nations University, Smithsonian Institution, Futures Group International, and the American Council for the UNU. It is now an independent non-profit global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities. The Millennium Project manages a coherent and cumulative process that collects and assesses judgments from over 2,500 people since the beginning of the project selected by its 40 Nodes around the world. The work is distilled in its annual "State of the Future", "Futures Research Methodology" series, and special studies.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Corporate Foresight

    Editorial Team

    Business as usual is no longer an option! There is a growing realization among more and more politicians, businesses, and members of society that things cannot continue as they are. The number of challenges and issues that must be tackled and dealt with at a global level is enormous, viz.: human-induced climate change and the search for ways to develop a low-carbon economy; rapid population growth in developing and newly-industrialized countries; questions surrounding which fuels can be used in the energy mix to meet growing demand; and the distribution of food and raw materials.  more[...]

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    Editorial Team
  • FAO releases first status report on urban gardening in Africa

    Food and Agriculture Organization

    Africa's urban population is growing faster than that of any other region, but many of its cities are not keeping pace with the increasing demand for food that comes with that growth. A new FAO publication says policymakers need to act now to ensure that African cities will be "green" enough to meet their nutrition and income needs in a sustainable way.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Water Shortages May Escalate Conflict Between Countries

    Food security is the focus of this year’s World Water Week, the leading freshwater meeting currently underway in Stockholm. Because both food and energy are closely tied to internationally shared water resources, an important part of the conversation will be about turning competing demands for transboundary water resources into cooperation and sharing of benefits  more[...]  login_required

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  • South-South Exchange of Know-How is Essential for Africa’s Economic Future, Says AfDB President

    African Development Bank (AfDB)

    South-South investment and exchange of know-how are key sources of growth and prosperity in Africa – and Huajian Group of China’s experience in Ethiopia is really edifying. That was the message the President of the African Development Bank Group, Donald Kaberuka, gave in his address at the opening of a high-level seminar on September 7 in Tunis.  more[...]  login_required

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  • United States: US Securities And Exchange Commission Adopts Final Conflict Minerals Disclosure Rule

    On August 22, 2012, and as mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the US Securities and Exchange Commission adopted the final rule regarding disclosure of the use of conflict minerals that originated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or an adjoining country. The rule was originally proposed on December 15, 2010.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Extreme weather events drive climate change up boardroom agenda in 2012

    Following increasing incidents of extreme weather events which disrupted business operations and supply chains around the world, climate change has climbed the boardroom agenda, according to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Global 500 Climate Change report released today. With the hottest US summer on record, fires in Russia and flooding in the UK, Japan and Thailand, among other events, 81% of reporting companies now identify physical risk from climate change, with 37% perceiving these risks as a real and present danger, up from 10% in 2010.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Economic Impact of Protected Areas in Europe

    In Europe, many different tools are used for protecting biodiversity and natural areas, including the Natura 2000 network, the Habitats Directive and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. To the European business sector, however, the potential economic value of Natural and National parks is little known. More and more companies are looking for ways to contribute to biodiversity protection. The European Business & Biodiversity Campaign and EUROPARC Federation are offering new aspects to the debate how protected areas can be maintained, and how societies can re-connect to the ecological, socio-cultural and economic value of such landscapes. European protected areas can bring measurable direct and flow-on economic benefits to local, regional, state and national economies.  more[...]  login_required

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