• Road Safety – Fundamental Right and Everybody’s Responsibility

    Natalia Gonchar, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company
    Sakhalin Energy

    We drive and bike, walk, and even run trying to catch the rhythm of modern life. For most of us, traffic has become an integral part of our everyday routines. We take it for granted and do not consider the road to be a source of constant danger – until suddenly a car accident happens and we are forced to reconsider … and think. Each year nearly 1.24 million people die as a result of road traffic accidents. It means that more than 3,300 are killed on the road every day.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Road Safety – Fundamental Right and Everybody’s Responsibility

    Natalia Gonchar, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company

    We drive and bike, walk, and even run trying to catch the rhythm of modern life. For most of us, traffic has become an integral part of our everyday routines. We take it for granted and do not consider the road to be a source of constant danger – until suddenly a car accident happens and we are forced to reconsider … and think. Each year nearly 1.24 million people die as a result of road traffic accidents. It means that more than 3,300 are killed on the road every day.  more[...]

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  • MTU Aero Engines: Award-Winning Technology

    Martina Vollmuth, MTU Aero Engines
    MTU Aero Engines

    In view of increasingly scarce resources, rising fuel prices, and the growth in air traffic – which continues unabated at an average rate of 5 percent per year – passengers, people living in the vicinity of airports, authorities, organizations, and other players in the aviation industry are calling for more fuel-thrifty and cleaner aircraft and engines. MTU Aero Engines has been working on innovative technologies for decades to further improve the environmental compatibility of future engines.  more[...]

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  • Vollmuth, Martina

    Editorial Team


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    Editorial Team
  • Creating Homes – Affordable Housing in India

    Katharina Riese, TÜV Rheinland
    Svenja Wittkämper, TÜV Rheinland

    In recent years there has been a large migration wave from India’s rural regions to the cities. Soon, 40 percent of the Indian population will be living in the country’s urban centers. Due to this fast growth and the large influx of people, cities are having trouble providing adequate living spaces, utilities, and facilities. More than 130 million people – equivalent to 40 to 60 percent of the urban population – are expected to be living in substandard housing. These low-income groups face a broken housing market that hinders them from living in an affordable and quality home.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Creating Homes – Affordable Housing in India

    Katharina Riese, TÜV Rheinland
    Svenja Wittkämper, TÜV Rheinland

    In recent years there has been a large migration wave from India’s rural regions to the cities. Soon, 40 percent of the Indian population will be living in the country’s urban centers. Due to this fast growth and the large influx of people, cities are having trouble providing adequate living spaces, utilities, and facilities. More than 130 million people – equivalent to 40 to 60 percent of the urban population – are expected to be living in substandard housing. These low-income groups face a broken housing market that hinders them from living in an affordable and quality home.  more[...]

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  • The Author
  • Managing CSR Across Boundaries

    Andrew Lofts, Ricoh Europe
    Ricoh Europe PLC

    From the very beginning, Ricoh has been energized by combining innovative products and services with a sustainable approach to business. The company’s founder, Kiyoshi Ichimura, nurtured a unique pool of thinkers who envisioned a world where business, society, and the planet are interconnected. For Ricoh, which is present in more than 200 countries and employs more than 100,000 people, it is a major challenge to share a consistent theme and to ensure a clear message that is understood everywhere. As a group, we have a regional framework whereby we connect to the collective imagination and creativity of all our people. To support Ricoh’s goals and meet social expectations, accurately and promptly, the Ricoh Group actively introduces internationally established CSR frameworks throughout its supply chain.  more[...]

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  • Managing CSR Across Boundaries

    Andrew Lofts, Ricoh Europe
    Ricoh Europe PLC

    From the very beginning, Ricoh has been energized by combining innovative products and services with a sustainable approach to business. The company’s founder, Kiyoshi Ichimura, nurtured a unique pool of thinkers who envisioned a world where business, society, and the planet are interconnected. For Ricoh, which is present in more than 200 countries and employs more than 100,000 people, it is a major challenge to share a consistent theme and to ensure a clear message that is understood everywhere. As a group, we have a regional framework whereby we connect to the collective imagination and creativity of all our people. To support Ricoh’s goals and meet social expectations, accurately and promptly, the Ricoh Group actively introduces internationally established CSR frameworks throughout its supply chain.  more[...]

    The Author
  • MTU Aero Engines

    Editorial Team


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    Editorial Team
  • The Author
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  • Pre Organic Cotton Program: A Shift To Organic Farming


    In September 2012, more than 150 delegates from corporations, international organizations, governments, and NGOs around the world gathered at Business, The MDGs and Beyond – a forum run as a side event to the UN General Assembly in New York. ITOCHU Corporation represented the Japanese corporations that are members of the UNDP-led Business Call to Action (BCtA) and spearheaded a panel at the first session, “Innovative Business Models for Sustainable Development.” At the forum, ITOCHU presented the Pre-Organic Cotton Program, an initiative of its Textile Company, which contributes to overall development in the cotton farming communities in India through poverty reduction and improvements in farmers’ health and the farming environment.  more[...]

    The Author
  • RBS Inspiring Enterprise

    Royal Bank of Scotland Group

    At the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, we are encouraging a more entrepreneurial culture. From the classroom to the boardroom, we are inspiring and enabling enterprise at every stage of the journey.  more[...]

    The Author
  • RBS Inspiring Enterprise

    Royal Bank of Scotland Group

    At the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, we are encouraging a more entrepreneurial culture. From the classroom to the boardroom, we are inspiring and enabling enterprise at every stage of the journey.  more[...]

    The Author




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