• Supplier Capacity Development - Moving From Policemen to Long-Term Partners

    Auditing, codes of conduct and presenting the ‘business case’ to suppliers is not enough. Actually changing the business practice of suppliers requires more than platitudinous statements of commitment. In this webinar we look beyond compliance at how to develop suppliers and induce real change of managerial practices for improved productivity, responsible use of labour, greater environmental performance and creating long-term reliable supplier bases: + Positively support your suppliers for greater sustainability by moving beyond mere auditing to reinforcing their performance with commercial incentives and the know-how to actually change + Maximise compliance by learning how to present a credible incentive structure for sustainability to your suppliers + Learn the best examples of programmes for supplier coaching and training to improve competencies in ethical management methods + Understand the role of collaborative initiatives in building secure and responsible long-term supplier bases in emerging markets Confirmed webinar speakers: + Rosey Hurst, Founding Director, Impactt + Zoe McMahon, Director, Global Social & Environmental Responsibility, HP + Dan Rees, Program Director, ILO Better Work  more[...]

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  • A Purpose Beyond Profit

    Sayga Investment Company Limited
    Shimaa Abdelfadeel, Sayga

    Since its founding in 1996, Sayga has fundamentally changed the landscape of the milling and baking industry in Sudan. It has transformed a sector that relied on hand-ground, low-quality wheat imported in limited quantities into a revolutionized arena led by a responsible business committed to creating shared value for all its stakeholders. Along with producing healthy, affordable, and accessible staple foods, this approach has resulted in an improved quality of life for industry workers and consumers, and solidified Sayga’s position as a leader in the baking industry.  more[...]

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  • Freedom of expression

    Telia Sonera
    Patrik Hiselius, TeliaSonera

    Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right derived from the inherent dignity of all persons. Freedom of expression and privacy are the most material human rights risks in telecommunications. The main risks include complicity in human rights violations following excessive governmental requests, which are to the detriment of freedom of expression and privacy. International standards on human rights go beyond identifying and managing material risks to TeliaSonera itself – they relate to the risks to individuals. TeliaSonera’s Board of Directors adopted a Group Policy on Freedom of Expression in Telecommunications in December 2013. The primary purposes of this policy are to reduce human rights risks and to ensure that our customers feel confident that TeliaSonera will, whenever possible, respect and safeguard their freedom of expression when we receive requests or demands from governments in relation to requests or demands that have potentially serious impacts on freedom of expression in telecommunications. The policy is – to the best of our knowledge – the most far-reaching policy of its kind in the industry.  more[...]

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  • Harnessing the Power of Social Enterprise

    SK Telecom

    Social enterprises are organizations that apply commercial strategies toward resolving societal issues with sustainable business models. This new group of change agents can provide a meaningful alternative to existing approaches for achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development. Social enterprise – with the appropriate support based on effective policies and cross-sectoral collaboration – can further contribute toward addressing many of the complex social issues that we face.  more[...]

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  • Human Rights – SANOFI Approach

    Tatiana Campos-Rocha, Sanofi

    In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Sanofi has adopted an ambitious and holistic approach to ensure that human rights are soundly integrated throughout all the Group’s operations. For Sanofi, it is essential to ensure that respect for human rights is integrated into our business activities everywhere we operate, including in countries considered to be at risk for matters concerning human rights.  more[...]

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  • Mobility PostNL Helps 7,650 Employees Toward a New Future

    Ingrid Stuurman, PostNL

    PostNL is the national postal company in the Netherlands and currently employs more than 59,000 people. Since 2009, the postal market in the Netherlands has been entirely free. In 2013, PostNL’s share in this market was 79 percent and its revenue was €4.3 billion. In the period between 2006 and 2013, the letter volume handled by PostNL decreased by 40 percent. One of the measures PostNL is being required to take to adjust its operations to this volume decline is changing from being a delivery company with full-time postmen and postwomen to a company with part-time deliverers.  more[...]

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  • From Waste to Energy – Successfully and Safely

    Metso Corporation
    Paula Niemistö

    The Riverside Resource Recovery Energy from Waste Facility, the largest such facility in the United Kingdom, is located on the bank of the River Thames in London. Metso’s automation solutions play a significant role in managing the waste-to-energy plant successfully and safely. The plant produces around 478,000 MWh of electricity a year, which is the equivalent produced by burning 191,000 tons of coal.  more[...]

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