• Sustainability - A Biological Perspective

    Prof. Stephen Morse, University of Surrey - Centre for Environmental Strategy

    Encouraging students to engage in the challenges of sustainability, this text focuses not only on theories but more importantly on how they are translated into practice. Models and theories are illustrated with real world examples to help students connect with genuine issues and appreciate the importance of an interdisciplinary perspective.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Stephen Morse, University of Surrey - Centre for Environmental Strategy  
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  • On the Role of Human Development in the Arab Spring

    Prof. Randall Kuhn, University of Denver

    This essay traces the impact of human development on political change, focusing on the events of the Arab Spring. Over the past generation, most Arab States experienced rapid progress in human development outcomes, including declining child mortality, increasing schooling and increasing height of women. I posit that improvements in human development laid the foundation for mobilization against political regimes.  more[...]

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    Prof. Randall Kuhn, University of Denver 
  • Singapore’s growing Role in Asian Food Security

    Yang Razali Kassim, Nanyang Technological University

    Singapore’s approach to food security is set to undergo a fundamental rethink — from being a passive food-importer to a more active contributor to the regional and global food system. A mental map of a multi-pronged strategy, spearheaded by research and development, is emerging on Singapore’s food security front that could turn old limitations into new strengths. Certain realities clearly define food security planning: Singapore is not an agricultural country, has little land to grow its own food, and is almost totally dependent on food imports. As a food importer Singapore is perpetually subject to the vagaries of external forces when it comes to feeding its own people. This picture may soon change.  more[...]  login_required

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    Yang Razali Kassim, Nanyang Technological University 
  • Will the Arab Spring Free the “Orphans of Globalization”?

    Prof. Jean-Pierre Lehmann, IMD

    It was a humiliated Arab youth – the Tunisian Mohammed Bouazizi from the desolate village of Sidi Bouzid – who, in immolating himself, sparked a revolution that engulfed his country, spread to Egypt, and has gripped the entire Arab world. It is the first revolution to happen in the Arab world for some time, certainly one led by youth, and it is the first in which the spirit of revolution was spread through such social media instruments as Facebook and Twitter.  more[...]

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    Prof. Jean-Pierre  Lehmann, IMD 
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  • Fostering CSR – Contract Seating Manufacturer Kusch+Co

    Ferdinand Filusch, Kusch & Co

    This Sauerland-based family business offers convincing proof that traditional values can harmoniously coexist with a modern commitment to mankind and to nature. Corporate social responsibility is an intrinsic pillar of Kusch+Co’s corporate strategy.  more[...]  login_required

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    Ferdinand Filusch, Kusch & Co 
  • PUMAVision 2011

    Dr. Reiner Hengstmann, Puma
    Stefan D. Seidel, Puma

    As part of PUMAVision – PUMA’s sustainability concept – and in line with its mission to become the most desirable and sustainable Sportlifestyle company, PUMA introduced the sustainability scorecard in 2010 to achieve its ambitious environmental targets by 2015. The scorecard lists targets for a 25 percent reduction in energy and water usage as well as climate and waste emissions by 2015 compared to 2010.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Value of Improved Community Awareness

    Sibel Bekler, AKSA

    AKSA, a leading manufacturer of acrylic and carbon fibers in the world, has initiated a Community Advisory Panel comprised of about 45 representatives of municipal mayors, village elders, teachers, local authorities, and students selected from the villages in the vicinity of the facility. Since 2001, biannual or more frequent Community Advisory Panel meetings are held to assess and evaluate the coexistence of AKSA with the community, including issues of environmental, health, and safety performance of the facility as seen from the eyes of the public.  more[...]  login_required

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    Sibel Bekler, AKSA 
  • Renewable Energy in the Middle East and North Africa

    Dr. Franz Trieb, German Aerospace Center - DLR
    Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen, Technische Univeristät Dresden

    Until very recently, the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region had not indicated any serious interests in the use of renewable energies, as these technologies were considered insufficient, irrelevant, and expensive. Countries with oil or gas became rich by exploiting their fossil fuel reserves, while the other countries claimed to be too poor to be able to afford wind or solar power. This picture changed in 2008 when the price of a barrel of oil climbed to $140.  more[...]

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  • Sustaining Finance and Financing Sustainability in the Middle East

    Editorial Team

    Project one :In the light of its business excellence and recognition, Arab African International Bank decided to institutionalize the CSR building on its “Belief System “ and depending on a “Structural Approach”. This has produced the “We Owe it To Egypt” Foundation to be the national drive behind significant impact and sustainable development of health and education in Egypt. The Foundation’s main mission is: To pool patriotic resources and establish centers of excellence in health and education. Project two: The bank has adopted the Equator Principles as a regulatory framework for social and environmental impact assessment for projected finance that exceeds the 10 million dollars.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Overview

    Editorial Team

    In the last years we observe some key trends in eco-labeling. One is the quantitative increase in the number of labels and “green stickers” across the world and across business sectors. Another trend is the fear of many consumers of greenwashing. The sheer amount of labels and the fact, that many are invented by companies on their own, makes it difficult for consumers to distinguish between recognized, international standards and private or local initiatives. Here we give a short overview about important eco labels in the sectors Electric Device, Food, Wood/Paper, Textile, Rug, Flowers, Cosmetics, Tourism and Consumer Goods.  more[...]  login_required

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