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  • Changing Diabetes

    Craig Ludwig, Novo Nordisk
    Novo Nordisk

    Changing diabetes is a global programme aimed to improve prevention, detection and treatment of diabetes. It is our brand promise, and the way we support the implementation of the UN Declaration on Diabetes, urging that people with diabetes have a right to proper treatment. The actions are national and global programmes to provide treatment offerings, help build a healthcare infrastructure, create awareness and educate patients and their families. Special attention is given to underserved groups: Migrants in developed countries, people in the world’s poorest countries, people at the bottom of the pyramid in emerging economies, women and children.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Novo Nordisk

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  • Master Plan for Mauritius

    Gerd Pfitzenmeier

    Established on the island of Mauritius in 1911, Medine originally grew and processed sugar cane. But since then, the importance of tourism and other service areas has steadily grown. The ‘Fondation Medine Horizons’(FMH), which the company established for this purpose, promotes optimism and entrepreneurial self-help, states the GC report “Africa leads”.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Being an Avatar for a Sustainable World

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    Climate change has become by far the most important environmental issue and will take an increasingly prominent position within the policy discussions in Sweden, the European Union, and the rest of the world in the coming years and decades. In 2009 Folksam launched a project focusing on the energy industry to help lead the way toward a sustainable society.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Yemen Water and Sanitation Project

    Jeff Flood, Nexen

    Nexen has been an active member of the UNGC since 2001. In 2005, Dr. Randy Gossen (V.P. Global Business Development - Nexen) was appointed Special Advisor to the UNGC. Nexen’s commitment to the UNGC is linked directly to our corporate philosophy of sustainability and in “doing the right thing”. Through our operations in Yemen, we have developed programmes that: 1) emphasize the hiring of Yemeni nationals and sustainable employment practices ; 2) support community investment and the development of schools, infrastructure and other projects, and; 3) the development of a water and sanitation project with the UNDP and CIDA.  more[...]  login_required

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