The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) is being organized in pursuance of General Assembly Resolution 64/236 (A/RES/64/236). The Conference will take place in Brazil on 20-22 June 2012 to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), in Rio de Janeiro, and the 10th anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. It is envisaged as a Conference at the highest possible level, including Heads of State and Government or other representatives. The Conference will result in a focused political document. more[...]
The series of CSR-Conferences has established itself as the world's premier international forum for exploring the global themes of corporate social responsibility in all its manifold dimensions. Every two years since 2004, leading academics, executives, policymakers, and representatives from civil society organizations from around the world have been meeting in Berlin to debate key questions from a diverse range of cultural perspectives and professional viewpoints. more[...]
With the National CSR Action Plan, the German government adopted a broad range of measures to take effect at the national and international level and is now implementing them. At the two-day conference, this Action Plan will be presented to an international audience and the introduction of the concept “CSR - made in Germany“ will underline the high level of social and environmental standards of internationally operating German companies. more[...]
The aim of the conference The Green Economy; Business Contribution to Securing Sustainability was to demonstrate how businesses can put theory in to practise. The Dutch Global Compact network and German Global Compact network consider the conference to be a true success. This succes was even more important for the Dutch network as is marked its first lustrum conference, after its founding in 2007. As such we would like to thank you for your contribution to this success and hope that you can put the results of the conference into practise in your daily operations. more[...]
The series of CSR-Conferences has established itself as the world's premier international forum for exploring the global themes of corporate social responsibility in all its manifold dimensions. Every two years since 2004, leading academics, executives, policymakers, and representatives from civil society organizations from around the world have been meeting in Berlin to debate key questions from a diverse range of cultural perspectives and professional viewpoints. more[...]
In this interview, Habiba Al Marashi, Chair of the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) and Board Member of the UN Global Compact, and Walid Nagi, Manager CSR and Corporate Communications at the Al-Mansour Holding and UNGC Regional Networks Manager MENA and Europe, talk about the drastic social changes, the examples companies can provide, and the importance of the business sector for sustainable development in the MENA region. more[...]
In this interview, Habiba Al Marashi, Chair of the Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) and Board Member of the UN Global Compact, and Walid Nagi, Manager CSR and Corporate Communications at the Al-Mansour Holding and UNGC Regional Networks Manager MENA and Europe, talk about the drastic social changes, the examples companies can provide, and the importance of the business sector for sustainable development in the MENA region. more[...]
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? This video clip tries to give competent but also entertaining answers to this question. The video is part of series "in a little green bag" at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. more[...]
Jeremy Moon is the Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Director of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Business School. In this clip, Professor Moon discusses the usefulness of Corporate Citizenship concept. more[...]
During this audio interview Kramer discusses the challenges of coordinating corporate social responsibility projects with corporations, and how the success of the cell phone industry in emerging (third world) markets has enabled low-income users to participate and provide feedback, thereby allowing CSR to thrive. more[...]
A growing body of scientific evidence that demonstrates, that the establishment of large-scale networks of marine reserves, urgently needed to protect marine species and their habitats, could be key to reversing global fisheries decline. more[...]
At the UN Rio+20 conference we were honoured to have the European Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard as one of the main speakers at the Act NOW Executive Meeting. Her continuous push for increasing sustainable development shows how absolutely passionate she is about making a positive difference. more[...]
Aimed at business strategists, policy makers, researchers and adult learners, this book has an Asian perspective on business sustainability and is about understanding how recent developments and future actions in one part of the world will have a global impact. The book magnifies the concept of so-called ‘globalisation’ and examines the topic of business sustainability from a broad and integrated approach to business: encapsulating people, prosperity and the planet. Furthermore, it acknowledges the contributions, challenges and potential of not only the big corporate houses, but also the smaller ones, in this situation. Chapters discuss the benefits organisations can attain with better governance, and social and environmental practices are also analysed. more[...]
This book explores what sustainability means, and especially what it means for business. It looks at the tools, techniques, standards and methodologies needed for sustainability and helps you to discover which are most appropriate for your organization and how you would implement them. The report also offers support in the preparation of a business case for moving towards sustainability. This book is not just written for experts, but aims to clarify and communicate the issues of sustainability and provide an invaluable tool for all managers. more[...]
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