ISA is the biggest energy transport company in Colombia and also present in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and throughout Central America. Through its affiliates and subsidiaries, the company conducts a range of activities such as design, construction, administration, operation of lineal infrastructure systems in electricity, telecommunications connectivity, and highway construction with the project Autopistas de la Montaña. more[...]
In the future, water supplies will be even scarcer than is presently the case. Action must be taken in order to solve the problem. Climate change causes a number of different problems. As regards water resources, climate change affects the environment in a number of different ways. more[...]
In the future, water supplies will be even scarcer than is presently the case. Action must be taken in order to solve the problem. Climate change causes a number of different problems. As regards water resources, climate change affects the environment in a number of different ways. more[...]
Changing diabetes is a global programme aimed to improve prevention, detection and treatment of diabetes. It is our brand promise, and the way we support the implementation of the UN Declaration on Diabetes, urging that people with diabetes have a right to proper treatment. The actions are national and global programmes to provide treatment offerings, help build a healthcare infrastructure, create awareness and educate patients and their families. Special attention is given to underserved groups: Migrants in developed countries, people in the world’s poorest countries, people at the bottom of the pyramid in emerging economies, women and children. more[...]
Our project focuses on the efforts we´ve been making to improve the capacity to monitor, measure and minimize the impacts of our distribution fleet. Trough the joint work of the Departments of Logistics, Sales and Finance and the Committee on Business Sustainability, in 2009 we were able to conduct the first monitoring of reseller´s fleet, which includes more than 4.000 vehicles. Besides, we´ve been working to enhance the control over the sub-contracted transportation companies that also distribute Copagaz´s products. Among the benefits, we can highlight the internal awareness about climate change and its relation to business and risk management. more[...]
Recognizing that climate change has become a worldwide challenge, Copagaz made this a priority. A signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2003, in 2008 Copagaz became a member of the Caring for Climate initiative. more[...]
In close partnership with Remei AG, Coop ensures organic cotton production, ecological processing and fair working conditions along the entire textile supply chain. This is guaranteed by strict independent controls. more[...]
Coop launched its Naturaline brand in 1993. Today, the company is one of the world’s largest retailers of Fairtrade organic cotton. Coop has worked with REMEI AG since 1994. Together, they have developed a set of social and ecological requirements for fashionwear. more[...]
Energy efficient Home Appliances can make a considerable contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Studies completed by independent bodies have found that home appliances make a significant contribution to reducing energy consumption and global warming. A ten year old refrigerator consumes up to five times as much energy as a comparable new model. more[...]
Accounting for almost 30 percent of consumption, private households are the second-largest source of energy use and, with 21 percent, the third-largest source of CO2 emissions worldwide. Electrical appliances, in turn, account for almost half of the entire electricity use in private households. more[...]
Sakhalin Energy has based its activities on a strategy of sustainable development. It allows the company to achieve business goals while taking into consideration the potential environmental and social impacts on its employees and on local communities. It is fair to say that such an approach means no operational or technological decision is made without adequate environmental, health,and social assessments of the potential impact of the Sakhalin-2 Project. more[...]
The Bosch Group is facing the challenge of the climate change. Considering the eminent importance and vast implications of the topic, as an individual or as a single company one might falter faced with such a challenge. At Bosch, however, we are convinced that innovative technology – already in place or yet to be developed – has considerable potential in creating and finding solutions. more[...]
The Bosch Group is facing the challenge of the climate change. Considering the eminent importance and vast implications of the topic, as an individual or as a single company one might falter faced with such a challenge. At Bosch, however, we are convinced that innovative technology – already in place or yet to be developed – has considerable potential in creating and finding solutions. more[...]
Deutsche Post DHL became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in June 2006. At that time, we sought to align our internal environmental commitment and approach with key external international standards. Accepting our environmental responsibility continues to be a challenge and opportunity for us as we seek ways to adapt our business processes and culture to addressing the environmental challenges we face today. Our environmental strategy has three pillars: tackling climate change, improving our overall environmental performance, and minimizing our use of natural resources. more[...]
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