A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility provides a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge theories and research that can lead to a more multifaceted understanding of corporate social responsibility in its various forms, the pressures and conflicts that result from these different understandings, and some potential solutions for reconciling them. more[...]
Top corporate governance experts discuss latest research in emerging markets. Yishay Yafeh is an associate professor at Hebrew University’s School of Business Administration. more[...]
TeliaSonera has engaged the Danish Institute for Human Rights to support and review its human rights impact assessment. DIHR will develop a tool tailored to TeliaSonera and its human rights risk profile. It will include freedom of expression and privacy issues and be benchmarked on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. DIHR will also assess TeliaSonera’s consequential mitigation plan. more[...]
The UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) provides an exceptional opportunity for swift policy action to accelerate and scale business solutions so 9 billion people can live well and within the limits of one planet by 2050. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) today pressed governments to overcome their differences and to take decisive action now. more[...]
Mining and metals businesses face risks that are becoming more extreme and more complex, with resource nationalism, skills shortage and infrastructure as the top three, and the newcomer being sharing the benefits. more[...]
The world’s 105 biggest companies are worth more than US$11 trillion. They touch the lives of people across the globe. But just how much do we know about their impact on daily lives? Too often, citizens experience little benefit from global economic activity while suffering the consequences of unethical corporate activity. Transparency in Corporate Reporting assesses the disclosure of steps these companies have in place to fight corruption. It also looks at companies’ transparency footprint across 177 countries: to what extent are earnings and taxes in specific countries made public. more[...]
This joint Poverty-Environment Partnership paper aims to stimulate a dialogue among developing country policymakers, development partners and other stakeholders on how best to support country-led efforts to build inclusive green economies. more[...]
Forests constitute the vast majority of what is green on planet earth. The quest for a green economy at Rio+20 excited the full spectrum of the forest community – from forest industries to local forest rights-holder groups. Both groups have something to offer – although it may be necessary to invest more in locally-controlled forestry if a fair green economy is to be achieved. more[...]
At the Rio+20 Conference, world leaders, along with thousands of participants from governments, the private sector, NGOs and other groups, will come together to shape how we can reduce poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection on an ever more crowded planet to get to the future we want. more[...]
While the outcomes from Rio +20 may not currently give grounds for much optimism, its value is likely to be in longer-term changes in attitudes and understanding. more[...]
NovoHealth is a worldwide company program seeking to develop a workplace culture that promotes and supports healthy living for all employees – an opportunity for Novo Nordisk to practice what we preach. NovoHealth inspires healthy living among Novo Nordisk employees as a means to prevent Type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-driven diseases. NovoHealth gives us an exciting opportunity to bring the organization together across the globe, support our colleagues, address our social responsibility as an employer, and improve business performance. more[...]
Having become a participant of the UN Global Compact in 2003, Groupe SEB is committed to respecting the Ten Principles of the agreement. For the Group, which has a presence in several continents, including Asia, it was necessary to find a tool capable of transforming this commitment in principle into a concrete reality. This would enable an evaluation of the manner in which these Principles were taken into account locally in each of the Group’s subsidiaries. Accordingly, in 2007 the Group adopted the HRCA Quick Check (Human Rights Compliance Assessment) – a self-assessment tool developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights and supported by the United Nations. more[...]
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