The Blueprint offers companies a model for achieving higher levels of performance and generating enhanced value through the Global Compact. It provides an action plan in three core areas: (i) integrating the Global Compact ten principles into strategies and operations; (ii) taking action in support of broader UN goals and issues; and (iii) engaging with the Global Compact. The Blueprint identifies best practices in each of these dimensions, with a total of 50 criteria for leadership. Designed to inspire advanced performers to reach the next level of sustainability, the Blueprint sets targets that all companies should work towards in order to ascend the learning and performance curve. more[...]
Advances understanding of Boardroom engagement in environmental, social and governance issues and provides a roadmap for how companies can better integrate oversight of these issues into the Board agenda. (UNGC, 2010) more[...]
Analyses progress made by signatories in addressing climate change and assesses public disclosures of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The report outlines corporate leadership in climate mitigation and adaptation. (UNGC/Dalberg, 2010) more[...]
Biodiversity underpins development through the provision of products such as food, fibre and medicines and ecosystem services such as the regulation of water supply and air quality. Though billions of people around the world depend on such ‘goods’ and services, this contribution is neither fully recognized nor valued in markets. more[...]
SUEZ Environment and its subsidiaries are committed to the daily challenge of protecting resources and ecosystems. The company provides innovative solutions to millions of people and industries in the drinking water, wastewater treatment, and waste management fields. This case study shows how LYDEC provides access to energy, water, and sewage to households in Greater Casablanca. more[...]
SUEZ Environment and its subsidiaries are committed to the daily challenge of protecting resources and ecosystems. The company provides innovative solutions to millions of people and industries in the drinking water, wastewater treatment, and waste management fields. This case study shows how LYDEC provides access to energy, water, and sewage to households in Greater Casablanca. more[...]
This articles describes an updated performance model that guides companies through the process of formally committing to, assessing, defining, implementing, measuring, and communicating a corporate sustainability strategy based on the Global Compact and its principles. more[...]
Global interconnectivity lets consumer markets constantly grow together. Modern communication technologies accelerate this phenomenon: The brand image as well as the self-perception of any company lies in the hands of millions of people using social media or their buying power. more[...]
Human rights have traditionally been the concern of states, and international human rights law has generally been addressed to them only. As more companies come to realize their legal, moral, and/or commercial need to address human rights issues within their own operations and activities, they are confronted with a number of challenges. Businesses will have to come to grips with the human rights framework and assess how their activities may relate to it. Moreover, companies are often uncertain how to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and where, in practical terms, the boundaries of their human rights responsibility lie. more[...]
Current protest movements illustrate that citizens regard corruption as a great obstacle to democratization. Because of this corruption prevention plays an important role in companies and government agencies, as required by Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Compact. Therefor Whistleblowing systems can be an effective part of a stratagy for corruption prevention. more[...]
The current protest movements in various countries illustrate that citizens regard corruption as one of the greatest obstacles to democracy and that they demand responsible behavior from politicians. The interface between politics and business represents the most significant gateway for decisions that are not in the interest of the state and its citizens. Because of public pressure and an increase in international legislation, corruption prevention plays an increasingly important role in companies and government agencies, as required by Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Compact. more[...]
PE INTERNATIONAL is a leading sustainability consulting service and software solution provider. PE embraces sustainability as a strategic issue that will influence future competiveness of business and will enable a business transformation in long-term. PE supported for example PUMA in developping a new sustainable packaging with the help of a Life Cycle Analysis. It also helped NiroSan Multifit to build an eco-efficient production facility. more[...]
PE INTERNATIONAL is a leading sustainability consulting service and software solution provider. PE embraces sustainability as a strategic issue that will influence future competiveness of business and will enable a business transformation in long-term. As a globally operating software and consulting company, PE also intends to help companies worldwide, through its products and services, to become sustainability leaders themselves. more[...]
Engaged since 1997 in an approach to control the sourcing of its wood supplies, Carrefour has been working with WWF since 1998 to privilege FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) -certified wood. The Group is now stepping up these efforts to positively influence all concerned supply chains through appropriate purchasing practices in order to preserve biodiversity, to reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions, and to ensure the respect of human rights. more[...]
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