Um den weltweit fortschreitenden Verlust an genetischer Vielfalt, Arten und Lebensräumen einzudämmen, beschloss die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Umwelt und Entwicklung 1992 das Übereinkommen über die biologische Vielfalt (Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD). Im Kontext der deutschen CBD-Präsidentschaft 2008 wurde die internationale "Business and Biodiversity Initiative" gegründet, mit dem Ziel einer stärkeren Integration von Unternehmen beim Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt. more[...]
Mit der fortschreitenden Globalisierung und Spezialisierung hat sich der Trend zum Outsourcing in den letzten Jahrzehnten stetig verstärkt. Unternehmen, die ihre Produktion und Dienstleistungen auslagern, lagern auch ihre Reputationsrisiken und ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung aus. Die dementsprechende Bedeutung eines guten Lieferkettenmanagements ist Unternehmen wie auch Anlegern bewusst. more[...]
Als Howard R. Bowen 1953 über die „Responsibilities of a Businessman“ schrieb, war der Begriff des Stakeholders kaum bekannt und wurde von ihm auch nicht verwendet. Aber dass wirtschaftliches Handeln stets einen Rahmen von Verantwortlichkeiten aufspannt und der gesellschaftlichen Einbettung und Legitimation bedarf, war Bowen bereits klar. Mittlerweile hat sich das Bild komplett gewandelt: Selbst langjährige Befürworter einer bevorzugten Shareholder-Orientierung, wie der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Unternehmensberater Fredmund Malik (2011), halten mittlerweile eine einseitige Fokussierung auf Anteilseigner für einen Managementfehler. more[...]
For 150 years, BASF has been creating chemistry to find new and better solutions for its customers. Following its company purpose – “We create chemistry for a sustainable future” – BASF is focusing on chemical innovations that help customers contribute to sustainability. To meet customer needs even better in the future and to secure long-term business success, BASF has set itself the target to further increase this share of sustainable solutions. BASF has analyzed and evaluated the sustainability aspects of its entire product portfolio and established a new process for steering its portfolio based on sustainability criteria. Already in 2014, 23 percent of global sales were generated by innovative products and solutions with a significant contribution toward sustainability in its application. more[...]
Huay Ma Haad Mountain was on the verge of being completely deforested, which led to water scarcity and greatly affected both the agricultural and industrial sectors in the area and created conflicts between them. As one of Thailand’s leading corporations and a major employer in the Rayong province, PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) has taken the lead in a regional sustainability initiative, the “Reforestation and Water Conservation at Huay Ma Haad Mountain” project, to strengthen community-led forest conservation, biodiversity restoration, as well as community development. more[...]
Private, voluntary sustainability standards are an innovative, market-based approach to promoting sustainable production and business practices. Adoption of these sustainability standards is intended to be voluntary: The standards are not created, run, or required by governments or government regulation. Instead, the system for voluntary sustainability standards are nongovernment initiatives that seek to drive sustainable production and consumption by creating a market demand for sustainable products, and a supply to meet that demand. They help buyers (both consumers and businesses) identify sustainably-produced products, and they guide producers, forest managers, mine and tourism operators, and factory owners and others in their choice of sustainable practices. more[...]
As an airline group with an extensive network, Air France - KLM connects people, economies, and cultures. It has the ambition to reduce its CO2 emissions by 20 percent through 2020 in comparison to 2011 (tons / km). To find alternatives to fossil oil, the group believes innovation and partnerships within its value chain will trigger new solutions. Using this approach, Air France and KLM are committed to developing a market for sustainable biofuels. more[...]
The Central Romana Corporation Ltd., founded in 1912 in the eastern province of La Romana in the Dominican Republic, is an agro-industrial and tourism company whose main focus is sugar production. Having been in operation for more than 100 years, it has diversified its investments through a wide range of businesses that reach approximately 25,000 workers, and it regards itself as being the country’s largest private-sector employer. more[...]
Corporate social responsibility is now finding its way into the Myanmar business community, government sector, and the media. Three years ago, CSR was a little-known term, but it has become popular not only among government officials and businesspersons but also among the media. Many organizations are investing in CSR programs to gain the trust of their stakeholders, employees, and customers and to improve their corporate images and contributions to social welfare. more[...]
Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH) is the first and only private hospital in the Philippines to ever commit to and publicly declare a “social vision.” Since then, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become deeply embedded in the corporate culture of MDH. It is a conscious effort that we align our CSR programs with both the international and national commitments for human development. In combining applicability, sustainability, and replicability in CSR program implementation, MDH is now creating a path toward program sustainability, which thrives on synergy. more[...]
Whether donating funds and supplies to disaster relief efforts, transferring knowledge, or volunteering in a variety of facilities – for years, MAN has been a partner that SOS Children’s Villages can count on. Through this partnership, MAN has made a valuable contribution to educational programs aimed at children and young people around the globe. more[...]
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