The Integrity Network Initiative was established as a business-driven collective action network to strengthen integrity standards in the Egyptian business environment, to build the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to tackle some of the most pressing corruption challenges affecting businesses in Egypt. It is implemented by the Egyptian Junior Business Association in cooperation with the United Nations Global Compact. more[...]
Audits zur Überprüfung des Verhaltenskodex oder gewisser Richtlinien innerhalb der Lieferkette reichen nicht immer aus, um eine wirkliche vertragliche Verpflichtung der einzelnen Akteure zur Gewährleistung von Arbeits- und Menschenrechten zu erreichen. Der Beitritt zu Verifizierungs- und Monitoring-Initiativen bzw. der Erwerb von Zertifikaten bietet hierzu einen weiterreichenden Schritt in Richtung soziale Unternehmensverantwortung. more[...]
Für Unternehmen ist es essentiell, über funktionierende Lieferanten zu verfügen, um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können. Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht die Fabriken besitzt, in denen die jeweiligen Produkte hergestellt werden, so hat es doch die Verantwortung, dass in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen. Neben regulären Qualitätsüberprüfungen werden so genannte Sozial- und Umwelt-Assessments immer wichtiger, um Transparenz im Bereich Arbeits- und Menschenrechte und Umwelt in der Lieferkette herzustellen. Assessments bzw. Audits müssen als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie bzw. als Teil der Kommunikation innerhalb der Lieferkette angesehen werden und auch in die Lieferantenverträge mit einbezogen werden more[...]
Korruption, Vetternwirtschaft, Nicht-Einhaltung von Regeln. Täglich berichten wir Medien über immer neue Fälle von Selbstbedienung und Kleptokratie. Die Welt agiert nachdem Motto „Jedem das seine, mir das Meiste.“ Liegt es also nicht eher in der Natur des Menschen, Regeln zu brechen und seinen eigenen Vorteil zu wahren? Helmut Schmidt, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker und andere sagen laut „Nein“ und fordern eindringlich in einem Manifest: „Wir haben es satt, in einer Raffgesellschaft zu leben, in der Korruption nicht mehr die Ausnahme ist und in der sich allzu vieles nur ums Geldverdienen dreht. Es gibt Wichtigeres im Leben des Einzelnen wie auch im Leben der Nation.“ Tatsächlich ist Regelkonformität, neudeutsch nennt sich das Compliance, möglich, sinnvoll und umsetzbar. In diesem Kapitel beleuchten wir Ansätze, diskutieren zentrale Aspekte wie Whistleblowing und Leitbilder und geben gute Praxisbeispiele. more[...]
The technological expertise that the company has been cultivating for more than a century is crucial to the security of people, goods, and information. Thales is therefore in a unique position and has a particular responsibility to its stakeholders and to society at large. more[...]
The technological expertise that the company has been cultivating for more than a century is crucial to the security of people, goods, and information. Thales is therefore in a unique position and has a particular responsibility to its stakeholders and to society at large. more[...]
Over the years the general attitude towards environmental management has shifted. From a reactive stance, in which accidents and release of pollutions were at the center stage, to a proactive one in which environmental performance is sometimes regarded as a vital factor for the success of the company. Better environmental performance may increase the competitive advantage of a company in numerous ways. more[...]
Materiality assessment concerning corporate sustainability disclosures is still difficult. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) offers evidence-based standards for reporting on materiality. “The SASB aims to become the future of both financial and sustainability disclosure, providing guidance for the missing link through a set of material indicators by sector and voluntary disclosure, which no self-respecting voluntary corporate reporter will be able to avoid referencing and which no 'reasonable investor' will be willing to overlook," writes Elaine Cohen in CSRWire. more[...]
Materiality assessment concerning corporate sustainability disclosures is still difficult. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) offers evidence-based standards for reporting on materiality. “The SASB aims to become the future of both financial and sustainability disclosure, providing guidance for the missing link through a set of material indicators by sector and voluntary disclosure, which no self-respecting voluntary corporate reporter will be able to avoid referencing and which no 'reasonable investor' will be willing to overlook," writes Elaine Cohen in CSRWire. more[...]
In December 2008, Siemens reached a settlement with the investigative authorities in Germany and the U.S., thus bringing to an end the legal proceedings connected with bribery allegations in those two countries and concluding one of the most difficult chapters in the company’s history. Over the last two years, Siemens has implemented one of the world’s most comprehensive compliance programs and created a company culture focused on transparency and ethical business practices. more[...]
As world economies become globalized, the new challenge is to ensure that multinational corporations can be held accountable not only for the impact of their activities on human beings but also for their respect of Human Rights. To date, there is no supranational legal institution with the appropriate means to enforce human rights in a mandatory way. Companies that agree to assume responsibility do so voluntarily. But for an international firm, ensuring that Human Rights are respected can be quite difficult. The standards developed to protect people’s rights were originally drafted for states, so additional practical steps are required to apply those standards to companies and to develop concrete ways to implement and track them within a corporate environment. more[...]
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