In a world challenged by a growing population, booming urbanization, and the clear issues surrounding climate change, energy-efficient solutions – doing more with less – are a ready-to-use answer. more[...]
In recent years there has been a large migration wave from India’s rural regions to the cities. Soon, 40 percent of the Indian population will be living in the country’s urban centers. Due to this fast growth and the large influx of people, cities are having trouble providing adequate living spaces, utilities, and facilities. More than 130 million people – equivalent to 40 to 60 percent of the urban population – are expected to be living in substandard housing. These low-income groups face a broken housing market that hinders them from living in an affordable and quality home. more[...]
In recent years there has been a large migration wave from India’s rural regions to the cities. Soon, 40 percent of the Indian population will be living in the country’s urban centers. Due to this fast growth and the large influx of people, cities are having trouble providing adequate living spaces, utilities, and facilities. More than 130 million people – equivalent to 40 to 60 percent of the urban population – are expected to be living in substandard housing. These low-income groups face a broken housing market that hinders them from living in an affordable and quality home. more[...]
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