Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH) is the first and only private hospital in the Philippines to ever commit to and publicly declare a “social vision.” Since then, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become deeply embedded in the corporate culture of MDH. It is a conscious effort that we align our CSR programs with both the international and national commitments for human development. In combining applicability, sustainability, and replicability in CSR program implementation, MDH is now creating a path toward program sustainability, which thrives on synergy. more[...]
The Social Impact Management methodology aims to integrate Social Impact Management into all levels of the process of identifying opportunities as well as bidding on and executing projects at ACCIONA, with a proactive focus on a commitment to the communities in which it operates. more[...]
Banca Popolare di Sondrio celebrates each year the concept of saving and the importance of good management of money – not only for individuals, but for the whole community. more[...]
As part of its CSR activities, Takeda carries out corporate citizenship activities, with a particular focus on solutions to social problems. more[...]
Overview on Siemens coporate citizenship porgramm & social commitment on the basis of figures. more[...]
This book approaches Global Corporate Volunteering (CV) through a series of essays, interviews, and case studies that present good practices of companies from all over the world that innovated and resolved challenges through Global CV. the original articles have been written in Spanish, English, or German. more[...]
An Examination of the Business Benefits Resulting from the Effects of Employee Volunteer Programs more[...]
Corporate Citizenship, research, papers, insights, webinars etc. more[...]
he GCC is a tool to help you assess how sustainable your organisation is. more[...]
Recently published articles from Agricultural Water Management. more[...]
Unfair competition encapsulates conduct by businesses which amount to gaining an unfair advantage over their competitors, or unfairly preventing other businesses from trading successfully. more[...]
Competing fairly is one of a series of quick guides designed to inform businesses about how the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) applies competition law in the UK. more[...]
Study dealing with anti-competitive practices and the measures that can be taken to address them more[...]
Social enterprises are organizations that apply commercial strategies toward resolving societal issues with sustainable business models. This new group of change agents can provide a meaningful alternative to existing approaches for achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development. Social enterprise – with the appropriate support based on effective policies and cross-sectoral collaboration – can further contribute toward addressing many of the complex social issues that we face. more[...]
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