• Environment Preservation in the Amazon

    Editorial Team

    Bradesco endeavors to incorporate sustainability into each one of its business activities and corporate strategies. We do believe in a better world for both current and future generations. Considering that socio-environmental investment is one of the pillars of our sustainability core, we support many initiatives regarding that matter in Brazil, through partnerships directed at the preservation of forest environment.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Environment Preservation in the Amazon

    Eduardo Dantas, Bradesco
    Banco Bradesco S.A.

    Bradesco endeavors to incorporate sustainability into each one of its business activities and corporate strategies. We do believe in a better world for both current and future generations. Considering that socio-environmental investment is one of the pillars of our sustainability core, we support many initiatives regarding that matter in Brazil.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Green Technology: Solutions for Climate Change

    Editorial Team

    The Bosch Group is facing the challenge of the climate change. Considering the eminent importance and vast implications of the topic, as an individual or as a single company one might falter faced with such a challenge. At Bosch, however, we are convinced that innovative technology – already in place or yet to be developed – has considerable potential in creating and finding solutions.  more[...]

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    Editorial Team
  • Green Technology: Solutions for Climate Change

    Bosch Group

    The Bosch Group is facing the challenge of the climate change. Considering the eminent importance and vast implications of the topic, as an individual or as a single company one might falter faced with such a challenge. At Bosch, however, we are convinced that innovative technology – already in place or yet to be developed – has considerable potential in creating and finding solutions.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Implementing Solutions to Optimize Energy Consumption and Fight Climate Change

    Editorial Team

    In line with Italian and EU energy and environment objectives, Autostrade per l'Italia has boosted initiatives and projects promoting the use of renewable sources for the production of electricity and improvement of energy efficiency in its buildings and infrastructure.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Implementing Solutions to Optimize Energy Consumption and Fight Climate Change

    Simonetta Giordani, Autostrade per l’Italia

    utostrade per l'Italia –100 percent owned by shareholder Atlantia S.p.A., which is responsible for investments and strategies in the transport and communications infrastructure and networks sector – is the leading European concessionaire for toll motorway management and  more[...]

    The Author
    Simonetta Giordani, Autostrade per l’Italia 
  • R&D driving the sustainable future of energy

    Eric Brandsma, E.ON
    E.ON AG

    The world of energy is currently facing its potentially greatest challenge since the invention of electricity. This is being fuelled by three fundamental development trends. Firstly, demand for energy is continuing to increase. The IEA estimates that there will be about a 50 percent increase in demand for primary energy worldwide by 2030. This will require massive investments in energy generation. Secondly, climate change and the real threats it involves demand unrelenting action in support of global climate protection. Thirdly, the fact that fossil resources are not unlimited means that energy has to be treated even more responsibly.  more[...]  login_required

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  • A Nationwide charging network for electric vehicles in Denmark

    Anders Lyngtorp, Dong Energy
    Ørsted A/S

    Our modern lifestyles offer a wealth of exciting possibilities, but also go hand in hand with high energy consumption. Because of the carbon footprint that our energy consumption leaves behind, there is no longer any reason to doubt that our lifestyles affect the climate. Each and every one of us, including DONG Energy, is responsible for minimizing our energy consumption and maximizing our consideration for the environment. As an energy company, we have a special responsibility for producing energy in as environmentally friendly a manner as possible.  more[...]  login_required

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  • A Nationwide charging network for electric vehicles in Denmark

    Anders Lyngtorp, Dong Energy
    Ørsted A/S

    Our modern lifestyles offer a wealth of exciting possibilities, but also go hand in hand with high energy consumption. Because of the carbon footprint that our energy consumption leaves behind, there is no longer any reason to doubt that our lifestyles affect the climate. Each and every one of us, including DONG Energy, is responsible for minimizing our energy consumption and maximizing our consideration for the environment. As an energy company, we have a special responsibility for producing energy in as environmentally friendly a manner as possible.  more[...]

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  • The Green Imperative

    Steffen Frankenberg, Deutsche Post DHL
    Deutsche Post DHL

    Deutsche Post DHL became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in June 2006. At that time, we sought to align our internal environmental commitment and approach with key external international standards. Accepting our environmental responsibility continues to be a challenge and opportunity for us as we seek ways to adapt our business processes and culture to addressing the environmental challenges we face today. Our environmental strategy has three pillars: tackling climate change, improving our overall environmental performance, and minimizing our use of natural resources.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Bayer Climate Program

    Dr. Wolfgang Große-Entrup, Bayer Group
    Bayer Group

    “I consider climate change to be the most pressing challenge facing the world today,” declares Werner Wenning, Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer AG. “After all, climate change endangers the natural basis of all our commercial and social actions.” The consequences for company policy are clear – in this time of global financial and economic crisis in particular, it is crucial that companies set a course that will steer them towards sustainability. This also involves making a clear commitment to climate protection. As part of its comprehensive climate program, Bayer is working to develop solutions across a range of areas that will enable the company to make a contribution to tackling the challenges posed by climate change.  more[...]

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  • “1+3”: Building a responsible value chain

    Lucy Li Jin Xiu, BASF

    In China, there are over 32,000 chemical enterprises and many more if we consider the entire supply chain. Over 90% of the related companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which contribute strongly to the overall economic activities of the country but often find it hard to mobilise enough resources to effectively practise sustainable development. Thus, BASF in 2006 initiated a program called “1+3”, which mobilises and supports its partners and suppliers in China to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR).  more[...]

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  • Lowering CO2 emissions in group-wide effort

    Coca Cola Hellenic

    Coca-Cola Hellenic, the largest independent bottler of Coca-Cola products in Europe, is constructing 15 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units in 12 countries as part of a group-wide plan to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in its operations.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Keep persevering and act local

    Peter Graf, AMPEG

    Bad news from the world of climate research arrives on our doorsteps nearly every day, and not one day goes by without our using a back door to redress our personal balance of thought on the world in which our children will live one day: Perhaps it is just a temporary glitch in the climate—something natural, that will right itself in the end. Even Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research consoles himself with the hope that the scientific community may have made a collective error on this issue. He expressed his thoughts on the percentage probability of his hopes becoming true in the following statement on 26th March 2009. "Well, the chance that the whole scientific world has actually made a mistake here probably lies below one percent."  more[...]  login_required

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  • Upgrading Infrastructural Capacity and Reducing Atmospheric Pollution

    Simonetta Giordani, Autostrade per l’Italia
    Benedetta Masignani, Autostrade per l’Italia
    Andrea Ragni, Autostrade per l’Italia
    Autostrade per l’Italia

    Given the interest in the issue of air quality – an issue that necessarily implies a scientific approach – Autostrade per l’Italia embarked on an in-depth examination of the problem in all of its aspects in 2007. This was done with an awareness that the motorway network is not a source of pollution, but rather an infrastructure that facilitates the transit of vehicles, whose emissions vary depending on their basic technical features, their speed, and traffic flow in general. A correct approach to the issue of air pollution therefore leads to the conclusion that since motorways free the ordinary road system of traffic, they can serve to reduce pollution.  more[...]  login_required

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