Child labor cannot simply be eliminated by decree. To this day it remains deeply rooted in many societies. In particular, subsistence farmers still frequently resort to child labor to manage their fields. Implementing the effective abolition of child labor may be laborious and time-consuming for businesses if child labor is the norm. Yet pursuing this approach is worthwhile in every way, as shown by an example from India. more[...]
The globe today faces a series of major challenges: How can we safeguard high-quality food and good healthcare? How can we tackle climate change and save resources? How can we provide as many people as possible with access to clean water? All these central questions, reinforced by the steady growth of the world population, have a direct impact on the Bayer Group. This is because healthcare, nutrition, and materials used for many daily life products are our core business, including contributions to climate protection and resource efficiency. I am convinced that holistic approaches and innovative solutions are the key to coping with such global challenges and to finding the right balance between economic growth, social welfare, and environmental stewardship. At least this is what we are striving for at Bayer. more[...]
This article suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardisation is examined from the perspective of organisation studies three aspects stand out: the standardisation of organisations, standardisation by organisations, and standardisation as (a form of) organisation. Following a comprehensive overview of existing research in these three areas, we argue that the dynamic aspects of standardisation are underrepresented in the scholarly discourse. Furthermore, we identify the main types of tension associated with standardisation and the dynamics they generate in each of those three areas, and show that, while standards and standardisation are typically associated with stability and sameness, they are essentially a dynamic phenomenon. The article highlights the contributions of this special issue to the topic of standards as a dynamic phenomenon in organisation studies and makes suggestions for future research. more[...]
Carbon reduction is a difficult job. Significant progress will only be possible with a coherent climate strategy. We spoke with Dr. Wolfgang Große Entrup, Head of Governmental and Product Affairs at Bayer AG about the ambitious plans. more[...]
Safeguarding food supplies for a constantly growing world population will be among the most pressing problems of the future. Bayer is providing an innovative solution with the program “food chain partnership.” This business model supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of fighting poverty and hunger throughout the world and contributes to sustainable development. more[...]
Human rights have traditionally been the concern of states, and international human rights law has generally been addressed to them only. As more companies come to realize their legal, moral, and/or commercial need to address human rights issues within their own operations and activities, they are confronted with a number of challenges. Businesses will have to come to grips with the human rights framework and assess how their activities may relate to it. Moreover, companies are often uncertain how to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and where, in practical terms, the boundaries of their human rights responsibility lie. more[...]
“I consider climate change to be the most pressing challenge facing the world today,” declares Werner Wenning, Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer AG. “After all, climate change endangers the natural basis of all our commercial and social actions.” The consequences for company policy are clear – in this time of global financial and economic crisis in particular, it is crucial that companies set a course that will steer them towards sustainability. This also involves making a clear commitment to climate protection. As part of its comprehensive climate program, Bayer is working to develop solutions across a range of areas that will enable the company to make a contribution to tackling the challenges posed by climate change. more[...]
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