The Integrity Network Initiative was established as a business-driven collective action network to strengthen integrity standards in the Egyptian business environment, to build the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to tackle some of the most pressing corruption challenges affecting businesses in Egypt. It is implemented by the Egyptian Junior Business Association in cooperation with the United Nations Global Compact. more[...]
Audits zur Überprüfung des Verhaltenskodex oder gewisser Richtlinien innerhalb der Lieferkette reichen nicht immer aus, um eine wirkliche vertragliche Verpflichtung der einzelnen Akteure zur Gewährleistung von Arbeits- und Menschenrechten zu erreichen. Der Beitritt zu Verifizierungs- und Monitoring-Initiativen bzw. der Erwerb von Zertifikaten bietet hierzu einen weiterreichenden Schritt in Richtung soziale Unternehmensverantwortung. more[...]
Für Unternehmen ist es essentiell, über funktionierende Lieferanten zu verfügen, um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können. Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht die Fabriken besitzt, in denen die jeweiligen Produkte hergestellt werden, so hat es doch die Verantwortung, dass in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen. Neben regulären Qualitätsüberprüfungen werden so genannte Sozial- und Umwelt-Assessments immer wichtiger, um Transparenz im Bereich Arbeits- und Menschenrechte und Umwelt in der Lieferkette herzustellen. Assessments bzw. Audits müssen als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie bzw. als Teil der Kommunikation innerhalb der Lieferkette angesehen werden und auch in die Lieferantenverträge mit einbezogen werden more[...]
Thales is responding to the major issue of climate change by implementing a strategy of at-source reduction of CO2 emissions, helping to raise awareness of climate-related issues through a number of programs and partnerships, and promoting products and services that support the emission-reduction initiatives of its customers and society at large. more[...]
As a founding member of the UN Global Compact in 2000, we strongly support the role of the UN Global Compact as a peer-learning and dialogue platform. By combining high-level commitment with hands-on learning at the local level, the UN Global Compact has gathered experience with concrete best practices in the area of sustainability, and it has a unique competence in the field of facilitating multistakeholder dialogue and projects. more[...]
In view of increasingly scarce resources, rising fuel prices, and the growth in air traffic – which continues unabated at an average rate of 5 percent per year – passengers, people living in the vicinity of airports, authorities, organizations, and other players in the aviation industry are calling for more fuel-thrifty and cleaner aircraft and engines. MTU Aero Engines has been working on innovative technologies for decades to further improve the environmental compatibility of future engines. more[...]
Pump manufacturer Grundfos has faced up to its role in industrial energy overconsumption and the CO2 emissions that produces. The company’s response has been to rehabilitate its products from being energy offenders to a genuine part of the solution. In the spirit of the Global Compact, Grundfos has also taken an active role in advocating the role of business in promoting greater environmental responsibility and developing environmentally friendly technologies more[...]
Around nine billion people will live on planet earth in the year 2050. This outlook poses enormous global challenges to us. Innovative strategies turn challenges into opportunities, especially in the chemicals industry: BASF’s products and solutions will contribute to conserving resources, ensuring healthy food and nutrition, and improving quality of life. Sustainability and innovation will be significant driving forces. Three selected case studies show how BASF collaborates in the field of nutrition and health with its customers to produce consumer goods more sustainably. more[...]
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