As a founding member of the UN Global Compact in 2000, we strongly support the role of the UN Global Compact as a peer-learning and dialogue platform. By combining high-level commitment with hands-on learning at the local level, the UN Global Compact has gathered experience with concrete best practices in the area of sustainability, and it has a unique competence in the field of facilitating multistakeholder dialogue and projects. more[...]
Around nine billion people will live on planet earth in the year 2050. This outlook poses enormous global challenges to us. Innovative strategies turn challenges into opportunities, especially in the chemicals industry: BASF’s products and solutions will contribute to conserving resources, ensuring healthy food and nutrition, and improving quality of life. Sustainability and innovation will be significant driving forces. Three selected case studies show how BASF collaborates in the field of nutrition and health with its customers to produce consumer goods more sustainably. more[...]
With the integration of Cognis and its active ingredients business, Laboratoires Sérobiologiques (LS), BASF has broadened its product portfolio based on renewable raw materials in the last years. One of renewable raw materials is Argan oil from Morocco. more[...]
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