• Tronchon, Joël

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  • Self-Assessment on Human Rights

    Joël Tronchon, Groupe SEB
    SEB Groupe

    Having become a participant of the UN Global Compact in 2003, Groupe SEB is committed to respecting the Ten Principles of the agreement. For the Group, which has a presence in several continents, including Asia, it was necessary to find a tool capable of transforming this commitment in principle into a concrete reality. This would enable an evaluation of the manner in which these Principles were taken into account locally in each of the Group’s subsidiaries. Accordingly, in 2007 the Group adopted the HRCA Quick Check (Human Rights Compliance Assessment) – a self-assessment tool developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights and supported by the United Nations.  more[...]

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  • Fighting Fuel Poverty – Supporting Our Most Vulnerable Customers

    EDF Group

    Fuel poverty is a growing problem throughout Europe. As it varies widely from one country to another, each country has its own definition specific to its context and history. Electricity companies are involving themselves in public schemes in compliance with regulatory requirements and in action taken on their own initiative.  more[...]  login_required

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  • CleanStar Mozambique: Food, Fuel and Forests at the Bottom of the Pyramid

    Marc Gunther, FORTUNE magazine

    What on earth is Novozymes, a $1.8-billion industrial biotechnology company headquartered in Denmark, doing in Mozambique, a poor African country (per capita income: $440) where corruption is rampant and more than half of the government’s budget comes from foreign aid?  more[...]

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    Marc Gunther, FORTUNE magazine 
  • Gunther, Marc

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  • Macqueen, Duncan

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  • Warburg, Philip

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  • Cards of Hope Programm

    Zoila Bello, Banco León
    Banco Multiple León

    As a participant in the Global Compact initiative since 2006, Banco León has been promoting the Ten Principles of this network through its management. Respecting the protection of internationally recognized human rights within its sphere of influence and promoting the effective abolition of child labor are two of the Principles that Banco León has been supporting. This has been done through its Cards of Hope program and its approaches to education as well as to children living in poverty and with social risk in the Dominican Republic.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Oceania

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  • Asia

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  • Africa

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  • MENA

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  • East-Europe

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