• MDGs: Some targets met, but much remains to be done

    The 2012 Millennium Development Goals report, published last week, highlights the progress made towards some of these development targets. However, the UN experts pointed out a number of areas that must be addressed urgently, asking world governments to strengthen their efforts to achieve the MDGs while also ensuring that the post-2015 development agenda will be based on human rights obligations.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Mining companies committed to UN Human Rights principles, new survey reveals


    New research released today indicates that listed mining and resources companies across the world are keen to comply with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which were officially adopted one year ago, but must keep up the momentum in order to maintain public confidence in their efforts.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Building an Inclusive Green Economy for All

    Poverty-Environment Partnership (PEP)

    This joint Poverty-Environment Partnership paper aims to stimulate a dialogue among developing country policymakers, development partners and other stakeholders on how best to support country-led efforts to build inclusive green economies.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • Rio+20: Forests form important foundation for a green economy

    Duncan Macqueen, International Institute for Environment and Development

    Forests constitute the vast majority of what is green on planet earth. The quest for a green economy at Rio+20 excited the full spectrum of the forest community – from forest industries to local forest rights-holder groups. Both groups have something to offer – although it may be necessary to invest more in locally-controlled forestry if a fair green economy is to be achieved.  more[...]  login_required

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    Duncan Macqueen, International Institute for Environment and Development 
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  • Saving Sharks In Shady Costa Rica

    Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

    Ten years ago, the Sea Shepherd ship Ocean Warrior and her crew intervened against an illegal shark finning operation in Guatemalan waters by the Costa Rican long liner (and previously convicted poaching vessel) the Varadero I. In April 2002 the Varadero I was caught 50 miles inside Guatemalan waters. Rob Stewart filmed and documented their shark finning operations and Sea Shepherd received permission from the government of Guatemala to intervene to stop their illegal activities. The crew of the Ocean Warrior did so without causing any injuries and without causing any damage to the Varadero I.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Author
  • Rio+20 Summit

    At the Rio+20 Conference, world leaders, along with thousands of participants from governments, the private sector, NGOs and other groups, will come together to shape how we can reduce poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection on an ever more crowded planet to get to the future we want.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Study finds Eco-labels “overwhelming” for firms and customers

    The practice of eco-labelling may be on the brink of saturation point and is becoming as confusing for companies as it is for consumers, a major new study has warned. Joint research by IMD, the International Institute for Management Development, and EPFL, the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, suggests the process has become so fragmented that the current industry perception is dominated by wide-ranging reappraisal.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Wind Power: Real Energy, Real Jobs

    Philip Warburg

    Wind power could supply 20% of U.S. electricity and generate hundreds of thousands of new jobs per year – unless Congress kills the wind tax credit. Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has been outspoken in deriding President Obama’s efforts to give wind and solar power the prominence they deserve on America’s energy agenda. “In place of real energy, Obama has focused on an imaginary world where government-subsidized windmills and solar panels could power the economy,” he wrote in a March editorial in Columbus Dispatch.  more[...]

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    Philip Warburg
  • Five things we’ve learnt from Rio+20

    Tom Bigg, International Institute for Environment and Development

    While the outcomes from Rio +20 may not currently give grounds for much optimism, its value is likely to be in longer-term changes in attitudes and understanding.  more[...]

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    Tom Bigg, International Institute for Environment and Development 
  • Bigg, Tom

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
  • Wellness for All: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

    Novo Nordisk
    Scott Dille, Novo Nordisk

    NovoHealth is a worldwide company program seeking to develop a workplace culture that promotes and supports healthy living for all employees – an opportunity for Novo Nordisk to practice what we preach. NovoHealth inspires healthy living among Novo Nordisk employees as a means to prevent Type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-driven diseases. NovoHealth gives us an exciting opportunity to bring the organization together across the globe, support our colleagues, address our social responsibility as an employer, and improve business performance.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Self-Assassment on Human Rights

    Joël Tronchon, Groupe SEB
    SEB Groupe

    Having become a participant of the UN Global Compact in 2003, Groupe SEB is committed to respecting the Ten Principles of the agreement. For the Group, which has a presence in several continents, including Asia, it was necessary to find a tool capable of transforming this commitment in principle into a concrete reality. This would enable an evaluation of the manner in which these Principles were taken into account locally in each of the Group’s subsidiaries. Accordingly, in 2007 the Group adopted the HRCA Quick Check (Human Rights Compliance Assessment) – a self-assessment tool developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights and supported by the United Nations.  more[...]  login_required

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