• Food Price Volatility a Growing Concern

    Given the exceptional drought in the US, current crop conditions in other grain producing regions, and the resulting increase in international food prices, the World Bank expressed concern for the impacts of this volatility on the world's poor, who are highly vulnerable to increases in food prices.  more[...]  login_required

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  • UN Secretary-General appoints high-level panel on post-2015 development agenda

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the members of a High-level Panel to advise on the global development agenda beyond 2015, the target date for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  more[...]  login_required

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  • Beyond the Millennium Development Goals

    Prof. David Satterthwaite, International Institute for Environment and Development

    How can we ensure the targets that replace the Millennium Development Goals lead to a future that low-income groups want? David Satterthwaite outlines five points to consider.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. David Satterthwaite, International Institute for Environment and Development 
  • Satterthwaite, David

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  • New Report Examines the Geopolitics of Natural Gas

    Prof. Meghan L. O’Sullivan, Harvard Kennedy School

    A new report co-authored by Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Professor Meghan L. O’Sullivan explores the potential for new quantities of conventional and unconventional natural gas to reach global markets in the years ahead. The report is part of an on-going two-year study on the geopolitical implications of natural gas co-directed by O’Sullivan, who heads the Belfer Center for Science and International Affair’s Geopolitics of Energy Project, and Amy Myers Jaffe, director of the Energy Forum at Rice University’s James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Meghan L. O’Sullivan, Harvard Kennedy School 
  • O’Sullivan, Meghan L.

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  • Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich

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  • The United Nations and Transnational Corporations

    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School

    When former secretary-general Kofi Annan addressed business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1999, he not only started to initiate the Global Compact, but also, at the same time, fundamentally redefined the relationship between the private sector and the United Nations (UN) system. After its operational launch in 2000, the Global Compact swiftly emerged as the world’s leading corporate responsibility initiative with currently close to 7,000 business and more than 3,000 nonbusiness participants in nearly 140 countries.  more[...]

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    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School 
  • Strategic Foresight: Effective Decision-Support Systems

    Dr. Adrian Müller, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    Prof. Dr. Günter Müller-Stewens , University of St. Gallen

    More than ever, strategic decision-makers are expected to develop sustainable long-term strategies for their public or private organizations. Strategic foresight systems support decision-makers in systematically improving the quality of their future assumptions, strategic decisions, and plans. This article summarizes the most important mechanisms of support, presents three distinctive types of foresight systems and widely used methods, and explains how strategic foresight is anchored in actual day-to-day practice.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Corporate Foresight: An Introduction

    Holger Glockner, Z-Punkt
    Cornelia Daheim, Z-Punkt

    Business as usual is no longer an option! There is a growing realization among more and more politicians, businesses, and members of society that things cannot continue as they are. The number of challenges and issues that must be tackled and dealt with at a global level is enormous, viz.: human-induced climate change and the search for ways to develop a low-carbon economy; rapid population growth in developing and newly-industrialized countries; questions surrounding which fuels can be used in the energy mix to meet growing demand; and the distribution of food and raw materials. Then there are also basic social questions about how to ensure that wealth is fairly distributed, how to overcome the persistent poverty in the developing world that results from the pillaging of natural resources, and how to encourage civic participation in political and economic decision-making.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Role of Corporate Foresight in Promoting Sustainability

    Prof. Dr. René Rohrbeck, Aarhus University
    Pernille Kallehave, Aarhus University

    In this article we want to give our answer to the question about if and how corporate foresight can increase the likelihood that we move toward sustainability – both on a company and a societal level. Before entering into the discussion of what corporate foresight can do, let us highlight some of our observations on what is holding us back from engaging in sustainability actions, and thus creating sustainability of the necessary trajectory, scale, and velocity to actually meet the societal challenges.  more[...]  login_required

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