• Facts & Trends: Forests, Forest Products, Carbon and Energy

    World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

    Facts and Trends: Forests, forest products, carbon & energy was developed by WBCSD Forest Solutions Group members with extensive technical support from the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), it supports the ongoing dialogue within the WBCSD membership and with other forest-focused stakeholders in government, civil society and business.  more[...]

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  • It Is Time For A Social Stock Exchange

    Prof Muhammad Yunus, Yunus Centre

    Many of the problems in the world today persist because of a too-narrow interpretation of capitalism. Most businesses today are run based on the assumption that people are selfish and interested solely in maximizing their own profit. This is a very one-dimensional view of humans who in reality are very multidimensional. As much as selfishness is part of us, so is selflessness, but the selfless dimension is not taken into account in economic theory.  more[...]

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    Prof Muhammad Yunus, Yunus Centre 
  • Yunus, Muhammad

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  • Consumer demand for climate solutions leads to expansion of WindMade label

    WindMade asbl

    The WindMade organisation announced today the development of a new consumer label for companies and products made using renewable energy. This will be backed by the UN Global Compact, WWF, Vestas Wind Systems, and the Global Wind Energy Council, the partners behind the WindMade eco-label. This move was declared at a press conference during the COP18 climate negotiations in Doha.  more[...]

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  • Water Footprints: Lessons from Kenya’s Floriculture Sector

    Prof. Wayne Visser, Kaleidoscope Futures


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    Prof. Wayne Visser, Kaleidoscope Futures 
  • Four reasons why we're so hard on our leaders' ethical lapses

    Prof. Andrew Crane, Schulich School of Business


    The Author
    Prof. Andrew Crane, Schulich School of Business 
  • Corporate Transparency facing Challenges in Developing Countries

    UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

    Developing countries seeking foreign investment to boost economic growth should ensure that domestic firms abide by international standards for accounting and corporate transparency, UNCTAD’s Deputy Secretary-General told a meeting of 300 experts. In addition, nine countries gave a report of their experiences with piloting the new Accounting Development Toolkit developed by UNCTAD.  more[...]

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  • Two Degrees Clubs: How Small Groups of Countries Can Make a Big Difference on Climate Change

    Jennifer Morgan, World Resource Institute
    Lutz Weischer, World Resource Institute

    Last week, ministers from 50 countries convened in South Korea for a “Pre-COP” meeting to prepare for the upcoming UNFCCC conference in Doha, Qatar (COP 18). Ministers confirmed their commitment to negotiate a new international climate framework by the end of 2015, as outlined in the Durban Platform agreed to at COP 17 last year.  more[...]

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  • Weischer, Lutz

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  • Morgan, Jennifer

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
  • 3 Climate Change Action Items for the Second Obama Administration

    With President Obama’s re-election, he has the opportunity to extend his legacy and take on big challenges. Climate change stands high on the list of issues that need to be addressed. As the President said in his acceptance speech: “We want our children to live in an America that isn’t burdened by debt, that isn’t weakened by inequality, that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.”  more[...]

    The Author
  • In India, a community works to change sanitation and hygiene practices

    Eleven-year-old Sharda and half a dozen friends beat drums and chant slogans as they walk through the narrow lanes of Lalapur. Their message is: make the remote village in Uttar Pradesh free from open defecation.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Business Ecosystems Training (BET) program now available in Japanese

    World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

    The Japanese version of Business Ecosystems Training (BET) Module 1 is available on WBCSD and Hitachi’s websites. This translation has been carried out by member company Hitachi, co-chair of the Ecosystems Focus Area, and supporter of the development and road-testing of BET as part of the BET Advisory Committee.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Dodd–Frank Section 1502 and the SEC’s final rule

    Ernst & Young

    In recent years, there has been an increasing international focus on conflict minerals emanating from mining operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries. Armed groups engaged in mining operations in this region are believed to subject workers and indigenous people to serious human rights abuses and are using proceeds from the sale of conflict minerals to finance regional conflicts.  more[...]  login_required

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