• Principles of Legal Compliance

    Remigiusz Skiba, Bosch
    Bernhard Schwager
    Bosch Group

    Companies invest a great deal of effort in putting written principles and value systems into practice. This might be in relation to customer orientation, openness, respect, or honesty, for example. If they are to become orientation points in everyday practice, they must be implemented and made routine by means of guidelines, processes, incentive systems, and other organizational measures. But this is only the first step. Leadership behavior, the example set by top management, and clear communication of the culture of values are of the essence.  more[...]

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  • Cooperation Between BASF and European Water Partnership on Sustainable Water Management

    Dr. Brigitte Dittrich-Krämer, BASF
    Dr. Andrea Stögbauer, BASF

    Water is a vital resource – for both humanity and for the chemical industry. BASF uses water as a coolant, solvent, and cleaning agent, as well as in its products. At the same time, BASF offers its customers solutions that help to purify water, use it more efficiently, and reduce contamination. In order to further develop these solutions, BASF works closely with experts from various fields, while ensuring that the sustainable use of water remains a key priority here.  more[...]

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  • Stakeholder Management

    The landscape of business and enterprise policy is subject to almost unparalleled change. An ever-increasing majority of corporate and institutional management boards find themselves operating in a networked world of interests and opportunities for influence. In addition to primary stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, and employees, secondary and tertiary stakeholder groups are increasingly making regulatory, social, political, and ethical demands on businesses.  more[...]

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  • CSR in Africa

    Editorial Team

    For many years Africa is the hotspot for hunger and conflicts. But besite all these troubles ether is also a change for change and hope arising. More countries become aware of the ptential CSR has and include corporate responsibility as a fundanetla brickstone for developing citizenship. Our special illustrates variuos aspects.  more[...]

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