• Grüner Banner

    Das ist ein grüner Banner mit einem längeren Beschreibungstext und einem Link auf weblication.de  more[...]

    The Author
  • Roter Banner

    Das ist ein roter Banner mit einem orangenem Vorschaubild.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Blauer Banner

    Das ist ein blauer Banner.  more[...]

    The Author
  • The UN Global Compact in the MENA Region

    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact

    For a few years after the Global Compact’s launch in 2000, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) remained uncharted territory for the initiative. This changed in 2003, when the first efforts were undertaken to promote the Global Compact in Egypt. A high-level launch took place in Cairo in February 2004, resulting in the participation of more than 50 companies, including many of Egypt’s leading corporations.  more[...]

    The Author
    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact 
  • The UN Global Compact in the MENA Region

    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact

    For a few years after the Global Compact’s launch in 2000, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) remained uncharted territory for the initiative. This changed in 2003, when the first efforts were undertaken to promote the Global Compact in Egypt. A high-level launch took place in Cairo in February 2004, resulting in the participation of more than 50 companies, including many of Egypt’s leading corporations.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Matthias Stausberg, United Nations Global Compact 
  • Sustainable Forest Management and Carbon in Tropical Latin America: The Case for REDD+

    Dr. Robert Nasi, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

    Tropical forests are threatened by the distinctly different processes of deforestation and forest degradation. While deforestation involves the conversion of forests to another land use type, degradation results in forests that have lost some of their ability to provide environmental goods and services. In economic terms, deforestation tends to be associated with investments in other land uses, mainly agriculture, whereas degradation tends to be linked to short-term extraction of forest rents or wildfires. Forest degradation translates into losses of biodiversity, reduced capacity of forests to provide the full spectrum of goods and services, enhanced likelihoods of subsequent deforestation, and reduced resilience and adaptation potential to climate change.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Dr. Robert Nasi, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) 
  • Blueprints for Change – The Sustainability Imperative

    Susanne Stormer, Novo Nordisk
    Novo Nordisk

    50 – 50 – 50. By 2050 there will be 50 percent more people in the world, and we will have been responsible for reducing global carbon emissions by 50 percent. A seemingly simple equation, yet a tall challenge. It makes it painfully clear that sustainable development hinges on our ability to manage growth sustainably and not only make up for the harm we inflict on the global ecosystem, but also to effectively decouple economic value creation from environmental degradation and social inequality.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • PUMAVision

    Dr. Reiner Hengstmann, Puma
    Stefan D. Seidel, Puma

    2009 was an eventful and challenging year – not only for PUMA but also for the world economy and the Sportlifestyle industry as a whole. The impacts of the financial crisis were felt globally and did not spare PUMA. At the same time, sincere criticism toward unsustainable, short-term financial business models and serious concerns about global warming called not only for a stronger emphasis on concepts of sustainable development within our societies but also for individual industries and single corporations.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • Business and Climate Change

    Lila Karbassi, UN Global Compact

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called climate change “the defining challenge of our time” – for good reasons. Climate change is the most pressing and disruptive issue the world is facing today. It affects every aspect of society, from energy resources and water sustainability to public health, food security, and even human security.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Lila Karbassi, UN Global Compact  
  • Corporate Social Responsibility – A Philosophy of Life

    María del Rosario García, Mutualista Pichincha
    Soledad Burbano, Mutualista Pichincha

    For Mutualista Pichincha, corporate social responsibility and the Ten Principles of the Global Compact go far beyond the realm of traditional institutional and professional behavior. They constitute a way of life and a new manner of doing things in all aspects of our entrepreneurship. They must become the engine that drives all our actions at work and at home; with our children, friends, and colleagues; on the streets as well as during public events and all of our daily activities.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • Vereinsverzeichnis

    Hier finden Sie örtliche Vereine.  more[...]

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  • Unternehmensverzeichnis

    Hier finden Sie örtliche Unternehmen.  more[...]

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  • Involving Business in the Fight to Save Life on Earth

    Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Convention on Biological Diversity

    Since its launch in July 2000, the Global Compact has been systematically enlisting businesses in the fight for a sustainable future. However, today the long-term health and prosperity of humanity are under threat more than ever due to the irreversible changes we are causing to the planet. That is why in his 2009 speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated: “We must break the tyranny of short-term thinking in favor of long-term solutions” and why he called for “a renewed commitment to core principles.”  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Convention on Biological Diversity 
  • The UNGC has clearly exceeded all expectations that were generated when it was first launched

    Dr. Rajendra-Kumar Pachauri, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    I am delighted to write on the occasion of the UN Global Compact’s 10th anniversary 2000–2010 and the publication of the Global Compact International Yearbook 2010. The UN Global Compact has clearly exceeded all expectations that were generated when it was first launched. It is becoming increasingly clear that the most intractable problems facing human society can only be solved if business and corporate organizations become an important part of the solution.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Dr. Rajendra-Kumar Pachauri, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 




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