• Upgrading Infrastructural Capacity and Reducing Atmospheric Pollution

    Simonetta Giordani, Autostrade per l’Italia
    Benedetta Masignani, Autostrade per l’Italia
    Andrea Ragni, Autostrade per l’Italia
    Autostrade per l’Italia

    Given the interest in the issue of air quality – an issue that necessarily implies a scientific approach – Autostrade per l’Italia embarked on an in-depth examination of the problem in all of its aspects in 2007. This was done with an awareness that the motorway network is not a source of pollution, but rather an infrastructure that facilitates the transit of vehicles, whose emissions vary depending on their basic technical features, their speed, and traffic flow in general. A correct approach to the issue of air pollution therefore leads to the conclusion that since motorways free the ordinary road system of traffic, they can serve to reduce pollution.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Ragni, Andrea

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  • Masignani, Benedetta

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  • Giordani, Simonetta

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  • Graf, Peter

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  • Pfitzenmeier, Gerd

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  • Indigenously Produced Organic Fruit

    Gerd Pfitzenmeier

    “Without the cooperation with the indigenous people,” Xavier Richard knows, “our company would never have been able to thrive as it has.” Since its establishment in 1987, Amazon Caribbean Ltd. (Amcar) has relied on the efforts of thousands of indigenous people from the Arawack, Warrau and Carib tribes in Guyana. In the jungle of the Barima-Waini Basin, they collect the raw materials for Amcar’s products: hearts of palm and pineapple. “Our mission,” the company states accordingly, “is to generate, in partnership with the people in Guyana, economic value added from naturally growing products.”  more[...]

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    Gerd Pfitzenmeier
  • Furrer, Lilian

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  • Adecco Group

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  • Carrying the Torch for Global Compact Principles

    Stephan Howeg, Adecco Group
    Lilian Furrer
    Adecco Group

    The availability, nature and conditions of work are central to the wellbeing of individuals, families, economies and societies the world-over. ‘Work’ is the core business of Adecco Group, the world’s leading provider of HR solutions, with over 31,000 people dedicated to enabling more than 500,000 colleagues to work every day with clients in over 60 countries.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Howeg, Stephan

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