• Petrobras Development & Citizenship Program

    Editorial Team

    The Petrobras Development & Citizenship Program brings together the company’s principal investments in social projects in Brazil. Designed to have a long-term vision, the program is aligned with the company’s Social Responsibility Policy and has the same time horizon as the Petrobras Business Plan. The program invests in social projects that contribute to promoting development with equal opportunities and harnessing local potential.  more[...]

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  • Blaschke, Verana

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  • Thinking Holistically – Green Building at HOCHTIEF: maxCologne, a quality-certified project

    Verana Blaschke, Hochtief

    Lower costs, environmental protection, higher earnings, enhanced user productivity, and comfort – green real estate and facilities designed for sustainability are efficient and attractive, and they blend in perfectly with their socio-cultural surroundings. One basic prerequisite for creating a sustainable property is to view its lifecycle holistically. This is precisely what HOCHTIEF does.  more[...]

    The Author
    Verana Blaschke, Hochtief 
  • Hochtief

    Editorial Team

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  • Petrobras Development & Citizenship Program


    The Petrobras Development & Citizenship Program brings together the company’s principal investments in social projects in Brazil. Designed to have a long-term vision, the program is aligned with the company’s Social Responsibility Policy and has the same time horizon as the Petrobras Business Plan. The program invests in social projects that contribute to promoting development with equal opportunities and harnessing local potential.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Climate Change Adaptation

    Editorial Team

    The development of the EDF Group adaptation strategy started from the premise that the Earth’s climate is changing. The full range of impacts may not yet be fully understood, but the climatic evolution has started and mitigation measures will be, in the short term at least, insufficient to stop it. EDF Group devised an adaptation strategy that focuses on the principal challenges that lie ahead up to 2100. We assumed a range of plausible long-term climate and economic scenarios to create a description of the likely effects on natural systems and processes.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Petrobras

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  • Grameen Trust

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  • Factory of the Future – The Otto Grameen Textile Company

    Editorial Team

    Over two million people work in the textile industry in Bangladesh, with women accounting for 80 percent of the workforce in clothing factories. The clothing industry is one of the region’s key employers and plays an important role as a source of income for the poorest strata of society. These people need the jobs, yet all too often they have to work in textile factories under poor safety conditions for wages that do not even cover their basic needs.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Factory of the Future – The Otto Grameen Textile Company

    Andreas Streubig, Otto Group
    Otto Group

    Over two million people work in the textile industry in Bangladesh, with women accounting for 80 percent of the workforce in clothing factories. The clothing industry is one of the region’s key employers and plays an important role as a source of income for the poorest strata of society. These people need the jobs, yet all too often they have to work in textile factories under poor safety conditions for wages that do not even cover their basic needs.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Climate Change Adaptation

    EDF Group

    The development of the EDF Group adaptation strategy started from the premise that the Earth’s climate is changing. The full range of impacts may not yet be fully understood, but the climatic evolution has started and mitigation measures will be, in the short term at least, insufficient to stop it. EDF Group devised an adaptation strategy that focuses on the principal challenges that lie ahead up to 2100. We assumed a range of plausible long-term climate and economic scenarios to create a description of the likely effects on natural systems and processes.  more[...]

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  • EDF Group

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  • Solar Impulse and Deutsche Bank – Inventing the Future

    Editorial Team

    With the Solar Impulse project, Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg, both natives of Switzerland, plan to achieve one of the great pioneering feats of the 21st century with the support of Deutsche Bank: the first flight around the world in a manned solar airplane. Their aim is to demonstrate the potential of regenerative energies – and revolutionize how they are used.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Solar Impulse and Deutsche Bank – Inventing the Future

    Deutsche Bank AG

    With the Solar Impulse project, Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg, both natives of Switzerland, plan to achieve one of the great pioneering feats of the 21st century with the support of Deutsche Bank: the first flight around the world in a manned solar airplane. Their aim is to demonstrate the potential of regenerative energies – and revolutionize how they are used.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Water Stewardship at Coca-Cola Hellenic

    Editorial Team

    In long-term partnerships with NGOs, UN agencies and others, Coca-Cola Hellenic is working to conserve watersheds and raise awareness of water scarcity and other sustainability issues.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team




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