• Visiting the Global Compact Office

    Dr. Elmer Lenzen

    When I went to New York in March 2009, it was during the peak of the banking crisis and the self-doubts of the investment sector. There was a prevailing certainty that one economic era had come to an end, but ambiguity as to how the new era would look. Some of these elements are being intensively discussed and developed at the Global Compact Office: It is about lasting nature, transparency, responsible merchants, and the respectful handling of our planet.  more[...]

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    Dr. Elmer Lenzen
  • From Global Compact to Global Leadership

    Prof. V. Kasturi Rangan, Harvard Business School

    The global financial crisis of 2008 was a stark reminder of business’s role in society. When well governed and well led, the role of business transcends one of profitability for its owners and incentives for its managers. Its role is to create value for society. Profit is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Without profit, there is no growth, and without growth there is no development. But if business does not create value and instead divvies up the same pie over and over again for personal gains (remember the subprime mortgages, collateral debt obligations, and credit default swaps?), then it is bound to fail and cause havoc for society.  more[...]

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    Prof. V. Kasturi Rangan, Harvard Business School 
  • Rangan, V. Kasturi

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  • The Human Rights and Business Dilemma

    Verisk Maplecroft
    United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

    Human rights have traditionally been the concern of states, and international human rights law has generally been addressed to them only. As more companies come to realize their legal, moral, and/or commercial need to address human rights issues within their own operations and activities, they are confronted with a number of challenges. Businesses will have to come to grips with the human rights framework and assess how their activities may relate to it. Moreover, companies are often uncertain how to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and where, in practical terms, the boundaries of their human rights responsibility lie.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Verisk Maplecroft

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  • Whistleblowing systems as a practical foundation of democratization

    Editorial Team

    Current protest movements illustrate that citizens regard corruption as a great obstacle to democratization. Because of this corruption prevention plays an important role in companies and government agencies, as required by Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Compact. Therefor Whistleblowing systems can be an effective part of a stratagy for corruption prevention.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Rasche, Andreas

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  • The Global Compact 2000–2010

    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School

    Over the last 10 years, the Global Compact has grown significantly, both in terms of the number of participants and their engagement. While only a handful of companies and NGOs met on July 26, 2000, at the UN Headquarters in New York to launch the Global Compact, today (as of February 2010) more than 7,300 business and non-business participants are part of the initiative.  more[...]

    The Author
    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School 
  • Whistleblowing Systems as a Practical Foundation of Democratization - Business Keeper

    Kenan Tur, Business Keeper
    Business Keeper AG

    The current protest movements in various countries illustrate that citizens regard corruption as one of the greatest obstacles to democracy and that they demand responsible behavior from politicians. The interface between politics and business represents the most significant gateway for decisions that are not in the interest of the state and its citizens. Because of public pressure and an increase in international legislation, corruption prevention plays an increasingly important role in companies and government agencies, as required by Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Compact.  more[...]

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  • Cultivating a New Era of Lighting – In Harmony with the Earth

    Editorial Team

    Toshiba has been in the forefront in promoting environmental management. On March 17, 2010, Toshiba ceased the 120-year long history for production of incandescent bulbs, the product that Toshiba was first to manufacture in Japan. The end of production for a total of 103 such bulbs is expected to contribute to an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of 430,000 tons as compared to 2008, when Toshiba manufactured about 20 million units a year. At present, Toshiba is focusing on environmentally friendly lighting such as LED lighting.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Author
  • Cultivating a New Era of Lighting – In Harmony with the Earth

    Pretty Shrestha, Toshiba

    Toshiba has been in the forefront in promoting environmental management. On March 17, 2010, Toshiba ceased the 120-year long history for production of incandescent bulbs, the product that Toshiba was first to manufacture in Japan. The end of production for a total of 103 such bulbs is expected to contribute to an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of 430,000 tons as compared to 2008, when Toshiba manufactured about 20 million units a year. At present, Toshiba is focusing on environmentally friendly lighting such as LED lighting.  more[...]

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  • Business Keeper AG

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  • Shrestha, Pretty

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