• Environmental Politics and Law

    Prof. John P. Wargo, Yale University

    Can law change human behavior to be less environmentally damaging? Professor John Wargo introduces the central question of the course, "Can law shape a sustainable future for ten billion people?" The purpose of the course is to examine the most important U.S. laws adopted over the past forty years, and to evaluate their effectiveness. This is an online course by the reknown Yale University.  more[...]

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    Prof.  John P.  Wargo, Yale University 
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  • Weiss, David C.

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  • Hall, Margaux J.

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  • The Dynamics of Standardisation: Three Perspectives on Standards in Organisation Studies

    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School

    This article suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardisation is examined from the perspective of organisation studies three aspects stand out: the standardisation of organisations, standardisation by organisations, and standardisation as (a form of) organisation. Following a comprehensive overview of existing research in these three areas, we argue that the dynamic aspects of standardisation are underrepresented in the scholarly discourse. Furthermore, we identify the main types of tension associated with standardisation and the dynamics they generate in each of those three areas, and show that, while standards and standardisation are typically associated with stability and sameness, they are essentially a dynamic phenomenon. The article highlights the contributions of this special issue to the topic of standards as a dynamic phenomenon in organisation studies and makes suggestions for future research.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School 
  • Becchetti, Leonardo

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  • Ciciretti, Rocco

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  • Visser, Wayne

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  • Investor Influence on Firms’ Environmental, Social and Governance Performance

    Prof. Bill Rees, University of Edinburgh Business School

    Whilst corporate social responsibility has been much studied there is little evidence concerning the factors that encourage or hinder environmental, social and governance investment. Willam Rees takes the view that climate change, the failure of corporate governance contributing to the financial crisis and problems with the ethical approach of firms and wealth inequalities, particularly in developing economies, all point to the importance of corporate social responsibility in general and ESG in particular.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Bill Rees, University of Edinburgh Business School 
  • The FTSE4Good Effect: The Impact of Responsible Investment Indices on Environmental Management

    Prof. Bill Rees, University of Edinburgh Business School

    What drives corporate activity regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR) in general and environmental management in particular constitutes one of the key questions in both CSR research and the development of CSR initiatives. The interest in the potential drivers of enhanced CSR practices is further fuelled by the rapid development of various private CSR initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, responsible investment (RI) indices, different ranking schemes and disclosure tools (e.g. the Toxic Release Inventory, the Carbon Disclosure Project).  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Bill Rees, University of Edinburgh Business School 
  • Rees, Bill

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  • Johansson, Gustav

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  • Sustaining Finance and Financing Sustainability in the Middle East

    Arab African International Bank

    Arab African International Bank (AAIB) believes in the significance of conserving the global environment for future generations and realizes the major role it has to play regarding this increasingly important issue. AAIB was the first bank in Egypt and the second in the region to adopt the Equator Principles to appraise projects’ financing while taking into consideration the social, ethical, and environmental hazards.  more[...]

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