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  • Financial Services Professionals Feel Unethical Behavior May Be A Necessary Evil

    Labaton Sucharow LLP announced the results of its survey of 500 financial services professionals across the United States and United Kingdom. Conducted by Populus in June, Wall Street, Fleet Street and Main Street: Corporate Integrity at a Crossroads reveals startling data on corporate ethics, the regulatory landscape, and individuals' willingness to blow the whistle on wrongdoing.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The UN Global Compact in Latin America – Trends and Topics

    Labor standards, human rights, environmental conservation, and transparency – the core issues of the United Nations Global Compact are especially vital in the developing economies. Latin America and the Caribbean are remarkable examples. “El Pacto Mundial en América Latina y el Caribe. Memorias 2011: Informe de Gestión,” a publication of the Global Compact Regional Center, gives a detailed view on the present situation of the Global Compact in Latin America and the Caribbean.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Importance of Protecting the Rainforest in South America

    Dennis Lohmann

    The Amazon basin gives South America the largest contiguous block of rainforest in the world: it extends over an area of almost seven million square kilometers and is one of the largest natural carbon sinks on the planet. Experts from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimate that over the last 50 years, nearly 20% of the rainforest has been destroyed through logging, natural catastrophes, and industrial exploitation. Any relaxation in forestry legislation could accelerate species extinction in Brazil even further.  more[...]  login_required

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    Dennis Lohmann
  • Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses in Latin America

    Dr. Marcelo Saguier, School of Latin American Social Sciences

    Efforts to establish an agenda of corporate responsibilities with human rights in Latin America have led to modest, if not aspirational, results. However, recent developments suggest that this agenda is gradually gaining ground, as seen through its appropriation by states, companies, and civil society advocacy groups as an interpretative framework for their actions. The emerging dynamics of collaboration and conflict between such actors – within and across national borders – contribute toward defining the broad substance and scope of this emerging agenda.  more[...]  login_required

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    Dr. Marcelo Saguier, School of Latin American Social Sciences  
  • Saguier, Marcelo

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  • Social Responsibility Networks in the Banana Industry

    Prof. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT

    There is evidence that in the last two decades, international civil society has played a dynamic role in improving environmental and working conditions in regions such as Latin America. Such improvements have occurred side by side with indications that trade liberalization and the decline of the state’s regulatory role since the 1980s and the advent of globalization in the 1990s has exacerbated inequalities, social exclusion, and triggered environmental degradation.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT 
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  • Should Poverty Alleviation Be Part of Corporate Responsibility?

    Dr. Lourdes Casanova, Strategy Department INSEAD

    After a gap of 20 years, Rio de Janeiro will again be hosting the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20. In 1992, at the Earth Summit (Eco-92), Latin America was getting out of the so-called lost decade, following the debt crisis of the 1980s. The economy was growing slowly, inflation was high, and high levels of external debt reduced investments in infrastructure. Over the last 20 years, Brazil has become the sixth largest economy in the world.  more[...]  login_required

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    Dr. Lourdes Casanova, Strategy Department INSEAD 
  • Casanova, Lourdes

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  • Maon, François

    François Maon is Professor of Management at the Louvain School of Management in Belgium.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Vanhamme, Joëlle

    Joëlle Vanhamme is Professor of Marketing at the Edhec Business School in France.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Kotler, Philip

    Philip Kotler is Professor of Marketing at the Kellogg University Graduate School of Management in Chicago, USA.  more[...]  login_required

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  • An Evolving CSR System in Latin America

    Prof. Paul Alexander Haslam, University of Ottawa

    A decade ago, corporate social responsibility had only just emerged on the agendas of businesses operating in Latin America. Corporate commitments were limited to the largest firms, usually the multinationals; public awareness and demand for corporate responsibility was low; governments were uninvolved; and civil society organizations promoting CSR were still new and, for the most part, funded from elsewhere.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Prof. Paul Alexander Haslam, University of Ottawa 
  • Lindgreen, Adam

    Prof. Adam Lindgreen is Professor of Marketing at the University of Cardiff in Great Britain.  more[...]  login_required

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