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  • Cotton Initiatives Form a New Partnership to Bring Greater Sustainability to Smallholder Farmers

    The Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) and its Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) initiative and the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), have signed an interim partnership agreement that should see increased effectiveness and efficiency in promoting greater sustainability to African smallholder farmers as well as delivering sustainable solutions for the textile and fashion industry in Europe and North America.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The German Experiment

    Deutsche Telekom AG
    Luis Neves, Deutsche Telekom AG

    The German government has decided to phase out nuclear power without making any changes to its climate protection targets. This means that all of us will have to strengthen our efforts to achieve more energy efficiency by searching for additional potential that will enable us to reach the climate protection targets without relying on nuclear energy. There is no doubt about it: CO2 emissions will continue to rise globally. This fact makes us aware of the enormous responsibility that we have for the sake of the environment.  more[...]

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  • Habshan 5 – Going Green

    Tony Awad, Consolidated Contractors Company
    Consolidated Contractors Company

    Over the years, the Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) has participated in and contributed to the countries and communities in which it has operated. Contributions have come in the form of monetary and in-kind donations. The “Habshan 5” project is an example of CCC’s sustainable engagement.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Spotlight Food Crisis

    Editorial Team

    The recent drought in the United States and its impact on maize prices has focused the world's attention back onto global food prices. The latest data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization shows that prices are in fact up a little after a period of decline. High food prices not only put a strain on the already tight food budgets of the world’s poor, but raise the price of helping them with food aid.  more[...]

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    Editorial Team
  • Gonzalez, Carmen G.

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
  • Kassim, Yang Razali

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
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  • Making Responsible Use of a Scarce Resource: Water

    Dr. Wolfgang Große-Entrup, Bayer Group
    Bayer Group

    The globe today faces a series of major challenges: How can we safeguard high-quality food and good healthcare? How can we tackle climate change and save resources? How can we provide as many people as possible with access to clean water? All these central questions, reinforced by the steady growth of the world population, have a direct impact on the Bayer Group. This is because healthcare, nutrition, and materials used for many daily life products are our core business, including contributions to climate protection and resource efficiency. I am convinced that holistic approaches and innovative solutions are the key to coping with such global challenges and to finding the right balance between economic growth, social welfare, and environmental stewardship. At least this is what we are striving for at Bayer.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Argan Program in Morocco

    Raquel Ark, BASF
    Charlotte d’Erceville, BASF
    Viola Möller, BASF
    Anne-Laurie Rodrigues, BASF

    With the integration of Cognis and its active ingredients business, Laboratoires Sérobiologiques (LS), BASF has broadened its product portfolio based on renewable raw materials in the last years. One of renewable raw materials is Argan oil from Morocco.  more[...]

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