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  • The Prohibition of Amnesties by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

    Prof. Christina Binder, University of Vienna

    The Inter‐American Court of Human Rights has proven a particularly active defender of human rights in Latin America. The Court has developed an innovative and creative jurisprudence with respect to all kinds of human rights violations, including forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, violations of indigenous peoples’ rights or those of undocumented migrants. Legal scholars have praised the Inter‐American Court for its effective protection of human rights and even the International Court of Justice has drawn on the judgments of the Inter‐American Court.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Christina Binder, University of Vienna 
  • Binder, Christina

    Editorial Team

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  • Climate Protection Drives Innovation

    Yvonne Benkert, MAN SE
    MAN SE

    Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges faced by government, business, and society. It also brings specific opportunities and risks for the transportation and power engineering sectors. The MAN Group is active in both industries and produces trucks, buses, diesel engines, turbomachinery, and special gear units in 13 countries around the world. MAN is thus in a position to make a significant contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions. At the same time, the company is confronted with the increasingly ambitious CO2 reduction targets set by policymakers and with growing customer expectations – in the transportation sector in particular.  more[...]

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  • Saving Energy and Reducing Emissions at Penshibao

    Fazhong Liang, Guangxi Beihai Penshibao
    Yuanqiong Yao, Guangxi Beihai Penshibao
    Guangxi Beihai Penshibao

    For more than two decades, we have been committed to research on foliar fertilizer. We have developed a new generation of efficient, environmentally-friendly, highquality, and residue-free foliar fertilizer by conducting extensive tests in grain-producing areas in China via the Ministry of Agriculture. The findings have greatly improved the fertilization technologies of China and even the whole world, changed farmer’s fertilization habits, and promoted the sustainable development of the environment.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Essent Contributes to a Bio-based Economy

    Stijn Vercauteren, Essent N. V.

    According to Essent, innovation is the key to a sustainable energy transition. That is why the company invests a great deal of time and energy in the development of innovative sustainable energy applications. In 2011, Essent therefore started a pilot location for this purpose that is intended to contribute to the development of a bio-based economy. According to Essent, innovation is the key to a sustainable energy transition. That is why the company invests a great deal of time and energy in the development of innovative sustainable energy applications. In 2011, Essent therefore started a pilot location for this purpose that is intended to contribute to the development of a bio-based economy.  more[...]  login_required

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