We recognize that CCC’s long-term success is directly linked with the existence of a prosperous global society and a greener environment. Therefore, we are committed to understanding how our growth can better interact with the welfare and development of the communities, ecologies, and economies in which we operate. We aim to increasingly embed the principles of sustainable development into our business. We go about this by incorporating sustainability values into strategic planning, training, and stakeholder engagement as well as by intensifying the implementation of sustainability measures. more[...]
In a digitized environment, people, objects, and machines are connected to one another. These networks also open up new areas of application that promote sustainability. They make household appliances and vehicles more efficient, and make it easier to use renewable sources of energy reliably. Bosch is making an active contribution to shaping this development with innovative solutions in all of its business sectors. These allow value creation while at the same time conserving natural resources. more[...]
We want to contribute to a world that offers a sustainable future with a better quality of life for all and have anchored this in our corporate purpose: “We create chemistry for a sustainable future.” Innovations from the chemical industry play a key role, as they provide decisive contributions to a sustainable future with a growing world population. With our corporate program Starting Ventures, we want to empower people whose basic needs have not been met to help them improve their income potential and quality of life. We thereby contribute toward achieving the broader development goals of the United Nations. more[...]
Banca Popolare di Sondrio was founded in Sondrio in 1871 and was one of the first Italian banks inspired by the popular cooperative banking movement. Thanks to the gradual extension of its activities and territorial presence, over the years the bank has taken on a supra-regional dimension, with extensive operational abilities throughout Italy, while maintaining a strong link with its area of origin. more[...]
In response to the refugee crisis in Europe, AUDI AG provided €1 million in September 2015 to offer immediate support for projects at the production sites in Brussels, Gyor, Ingolstadt, and Neckarsulm. The initial focus was to provide immediate help to the many people coming to Europe at the time. To open up new opportunities for refugees in Germany, aid projects today focus primarily on speech acquisition, professional training, and cultural integration. more[...]
With a corporate goal to create sustainable value to all stakeholders by offering value-for-money services, AIA has implemented a successful development strategy in both its aeronautical and non-aeronautical sectors. With AIA’s operational success being based on stakeholder cooperation, the company operates in a socially and environmentally responsible way, providing stakeholders with an operating and working environment that meets the increasing demands regarding quality, safety, and security issues. more[...]
The UN climate conference in Paris marked a turning point in global climate and energy policy: For the first time, all 195 member states of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change committed themselves to protecting the climate and agreed to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. In order to build a low-carbon economy by 2050, the European Union aims to progressively reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent compared to 1990. more[...]
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