• Piloting the Future: Environmentally-friendly Technologies

    Katja Brösse, Deutsche Telekom
    Rainer Knirsch, Deutsche Telekom
    Deutsche Telekom AG

    Innovations are the key to ensuring the future of our society. Whether smart grids, networked transportation, and mobility solutions or virtualization of products – information and communication technologies (ICT) offer a wide range of solutions. But in order for a new invention to make it, it has to go through stringent practical testing. In T-City Friedrichshafen, the world’s largest living lab, Deutsche Telekom has been testing new environmentally-friendly technologies for the last six years.  more[...]

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  • Brösse, Katja

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  • Knirsch, Rainer

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  • 60 Years of Contributing to the Communities

    Tony Awad, Consolidated Contractors Company
    Consolidated Contractors Company

    Sixty years of continuous giving that is rooted in the beliefs and values of the founders is what distinguishes CCC and makes it unique among other companies. Even before the term “corporate social responsibility” became quite popular in recent years, the CCC founders put giving and care for the communities, employees, and their families as some of their core values, which they have been practicing throughout the history of the company. Their continuous giving to their communities, employees, and their families has left its mark on the thousands of people who have felt their support throughout the years. Their compassion and philanthropic deeds may have grown out of the hardships they experienced in their early years; however, becoming one of the most affluent companies in the world had just multiplied these humanitarian acts.  more[...]

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  • Personal and Professional Development of Women in Agribusiness

    Francesca Carnesella, Camposol and Copeinca

    According to figures from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, of the economically active population in Peru, 24 percent of all workers are in the agriculture sector – one-third of whom are women. Agribusiness has an extensive labor reserve that employs thousands of men and women in decent work conditions and good pay guaranteed by law, which allows for improvement in their quality of life. CAMPOSOL generates more than 13,000 jobs, of which approximately 40 percent are held by women, thus creating an opportunity to improve their quality of life.  more[...]

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  • Buildings Need Effective Air Filters

    Myriam Tryjefaczka, Camfil Farr Group
    Camfil Farr Group

    Air is free and necessary for life. The quality of air also has a direct impact on quality of life: The cleaner the air we breathe, the healthier we are, and the better we feel and perform. Unfortunately, healthy air is becoming a scarce commodity, especially in the larger and more densely populated cities of the world. The most common air pollutants, such as airborne particulate matter (PM), ozone, and nitrogen oxides, are known to cause respiratory problems, heart diseases, and other illnesses. A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that long-term exposure to this air pollution can also affect brain development, reproductive health, circulation, and diabetes.  more[...]

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  • Delivering a Better Tomorrow

    Katharina Tomoff, Deutsche Post DHL
    Dr. Jan Dietrich Müller, Deutsche Post DHL
    Deutsche Post DHL

    As one of the world’s largest logistics companies, Deutsche Post DHL has a special responsibility to society and the environment, which is why sustainability is so important to our business. In particular, we are taking concrete measures through our innovative environmental protection program, GoGreen. This is just one of the ways in which we are translating this commitment into action, as part of our efforts to be part of the solution for a better tomorrow.  more[...]

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  • Tomoff, Katharina

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  • Müller, Jan Dietrich

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  • Piecitos Colorados – Educating to Develop Latin America


    Piecitos Colorados is a Prosegur development cooperation project that seeks to improve the comprehensive education and the quality of life of children living in disadvantaged areas of Latin America where the company is present. Opting for an approach that is not conducive to dependency, the program prioritizes the teachers, students, and their families being actively committed to transforming the school and to turning them into the driving forces of their communities.  more[...]

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  • Comprehensive Ways of Communication on Anti-Corruption Measures and Compliance

    Jenice Hartmann, Business Keeper
    Business Keeper AG

    Nowadays, there is agreement within companies and the public that neither corruption nor other contraventions of national and international regulations are acceptable. Corruption causes an estimated economic harm of up to $4 trillion per year; the number of unreported cases and not quantifiable social harm through the erosion of trust and the economic systems is much higher. As is publically known, companies such as Wal-Mart, Monsanto, and General Electric were strongly sanctioned by government and society for their corrupt business activities. In times of financial crisis, a sustainable business model is more important than ever to ensure the necessary social acceptance and “license to operate.”  more[...]

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