• From drought to flooding: understanding the abrupt 2010–11 hydrological annual cycle in the Amazonas River and tributaries

    Jhan Carlo Espinoza, Peruvian Geophysical Institute

    n this work the authors documents and analyze the hydrological annual cycles characterized by a rapid transition between low and high flows in the Amazonas River (Peruvian Amazon) and they shows how these events, which may impact vulnerable riverside residents, are related to regional climate variability. Their analysis is based on comprehensive discharge, rainfall and average suspended sediment data sets. Particular attention is paid to the 2010–11 hydrological year, when an unprecedented abrupt transition from the extreme September 2010 drought (8300 m3 s-1/ to one of the four highest discharges in April 2011 (49 500 m3 s-1/ was recorded at Tamshiyacu (Amazonas River).  more[...]  login_required

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    Jhan Carlo Espinoza, Peruvian Geophysical Institute 
  • Espinoza, Jhan Carlo

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  • Global Food Price Volatility and Spikes: An Overview of Costs, Causes, and Solutions

    Prof. Joachim von Braun, Center for Development Research

    Since the 2007-08 food crisis, many thoughtful analyses have addressed the causes and impacts of high and volatile international food prices and proposed solutions to the crisis. These studies have covered global as well as local food price dynamics and policy reactions. The food price problem is, however, far-reaching, and its impacts are wide and interrelated.  more[...]  login_required

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    Prof. Joachim von Braun, Center for Development Research 
  • von Braun, Joachim

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
  • Preparing Airports for Disasters

    Susanne Meier, Deutsche Post DHL
    Joachim Keppler, Deutsche Post DHL
    Deutsche Post DHL

    Deutsche Post DHL has committed itself to continuously support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Equally, Deutsche Post DHL undertakes actions in support of broader UN goals and issues, especially as they relate to disaster management and humanitarian assistance. In this approach Deutsche Post DHL closely cooperates with the United Nations to amplify the efforts of other contributors.  more[...]  login_required

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  • EcoBusiness School Program

    Francesca Carnesella, Camposol and Copeinca

    To promote the integration of key thematic areas of environmental education in the country, a project idea was born: the EcoBusiness School Program. Created by the Institute for Promotion of Sustainable Development and supported by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Environment in Peru, the initiative began in 2010. The design of this enterprising program for environmental education was aimed at young people attending the last cycle of secondary education (15- and 16-year-olds). The main objective is to strengthen the capacities of young people in identifying the realities concerning the environment; understanding market development; understanding the procedures and challenges of building, managing, and administering an economic enterprise that has a positive impact on the environment; and developing leadership and management skills.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Bakery “La Casa del Pan”

    Francesca Carnesella, Camposol and Copeinca

    “La Casa del Pan” is an entrepreneurship project funded entirely by CAMPOSOL. It aims to provide economic and social development opportunities for young people through a strategic partnership with the Youth, Arts and Development Association, which is comprised of young people from Nuevo Chao, a nearby community.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Are Americans working too much?

    Prof. Andrew Crane, Schulich School of Business

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    Prof. Andrew Crane, Schulich School of Business 
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  • Changing the Way Corporations Source Energy

    Rasmus M. Schophuus , Vestas Wind Systems A/S
    Vestas Wind Systems A/S
    WindMade asbl

    WindMade™, the first consumer label for wind energy, is moving the discussion from how much energy a product uses during its lifetime to the embodied energy of the product. Created to drive the global adoption of wind energy, WindMade™ is designed to inform consumers about the source of the energy used to make the products they buy and thus encourage corporations to source renewable energy to run their operations and production. Launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2011, WindMade™ is backed by the UN Global Compact, Vestas Wind Systems, WWF, Global Wind Energy Council, Bloomberg, the LEGO Group, and PwC.  more[...]  login_required

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