• An industrial firm that concerns itself with nature and biodiversity

    EDF Group
    Jean-Christophe Mollaret, EDF Group

    The EDF Group’s industrial activities sometimes take place in remarkable natural settings. The activities interact with an area’s biodiversity and benefit from the ecosystem services it provides. Biodiversity is an important economic consideration for the Group – failure to respect regulations may lead to sites or plants being brought to a halt. A lack of in-depth dialogue with environmental NGOs or other stakeholders using local resources can result in a ban on new industrial programs.  more[...]

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  • Participatory Communication with Employees

    Pierina Amayo, Copeinca

    CFG Investment and COPEINCA are Peruvian fishing companies that belong to the Pacific Andes Group. They are engaged in the extraction, processing, and production of fishmeal and fish oil for indirect human consumption. Also, they aim for direct human consumption through the production of canned mackerel and anchovy. Since september 2013 the integration process of these companies started and in the near future we expect to conclude this fusion process. Both companies are committed to sustainable development as a smart way to do business, considering that to ensure sustainability is an essential requirement to ensure that ethical principles, respect for people and the environment meet the challenges of acting on social responsibility and environmental, the Millennium Development Goals and Global Compact principles.  more[...]

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  • Bettercoal: Tackling sustainability issues in coal purchasing

    Marga Edens, RWE

    The energy transition has many facets. Not only is the structure of electricity generation shifting, but the procurement of fossil fuels is changing as well. In ever more places in the world, natural gas and coal are now being traded on commodity markets, somehow comparable to petroleum. It has not always been this way, especially with coal, which was previously obtained mainly from domestic mines. But this is changing now. In Germany for example, 2018 will mark the end of domestic extraction. Germany is already supplying a huge amount of its demand forcoal from other continents. This leads to new challenges with regard to sustainability issues. The markets have become a great deal more liquid. Most of the coal on offer comes from mines in South Africa, Colombia, and Russia; their geological features allow coal to be extracted at significantly lower costs than in Western- European countries like Germany. However, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the conditions under which such mining takes place and allegations have been made that the mining in thesecountries has an negative impact on workers, the local people and the environment. Many of these countries do not have the detailed environmental impact assessments, socially acceptable resettlements, and rules for workers’ representation in decision-making that we take for granted in OECD-countries. Often the statements issued by mining companies contradict reports from environmental associations, human rights organizations, and trade unions.  more[...]

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  • Achieving Sustainable Education

    Dr Peter F. Tropschuh, Audi AG
    Dr. Antonia Wade, Audi AG
    Martina Biendl, Audi AG
    Audi AG

    The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development that is currently underway aims to offer all people the opportunity to achieve a worthwhile future while also integrating knowledge about sustainability into the education environment. Education also plays an important role for businesses, since their success is based on having well-trained, highly qualified, and skilled employees. As part of its corporate responsibility strategy, AUDI AG therefore invests at all levels in the training and advancement of its employees, expands the range of education in the regions surrounding its corporate sites, and works to help underperforming and socially disadvantaged students. To put the strategic mission “We live responsibility” into practice, Audi also trains its employees specifically on the issue of sustainability.  more[...]

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  • The Post-2015 Agenda

    "Three out of the eight millennium development targets – on poverty, slums and water – have been met ahead of the 2015 deadline, but much remains to be done. The future development framework – the Post-2015 agenda – should build on the lessons learned from working toward achieving the MDGs, which have been providing the structure for the UN’s development activities since the Millennium Summit in 2000." Source: UNDP  more[...]

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  • CSR & Innovation (R&D)

    Innovation is not just about technological change. Business model innovation is important, too, and there is increasing adoption among small entrepreneurial and large multinational firms of alternative business models that support a value proposition aligned with sustainable goals.  more[...]

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  • Introduction to Labour Standards

    For much of the last decade, globalization was a leading issue of public policy debate, and global core labor standards (CLS) were the lead demand of critics of globalization. Now, with the world economy stuck in the deepest economic recession since the 1930s, attention to globalization and the need for labor standards has waned as people have become more concerned about jobs and economic recovery.  more[...]

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  • Human Rights & Business

    Human rights have traditionally been the concern of states, and international human rights law has generally been addressed to them only. As more companies come to realize their legal, moral, and/or commercial need to address human rights issues within their own operations and activities, they are confronted with a number of challenges. Businesses will have to come to grips with the human rights framework and assess how their activities may relate to it. Moreover, companies are often uncertain how to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and where, in practical terms, the boundaries of their human rights responsibility lie.  more[...]

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  • CSR & Investor Relations (IR)

    "Responsible Investment, an area particularly popular among institutional investors and currently the most connected to the mainstream financial community. Responsible investors take into consideration the long-term influence of extra-financial factors such as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in their investment decision-making." Source: European SRI Study 2010  more[...]

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  • Taking Our ‘Way to Work’ onto the Streets

    Lilian Furrer
    Adecco Group

    As global attention intensifies on the rising tide of unemployment – and above all on youth unemployment – Adecco, the world’s leading provider of HR solutions, took decisive action. On April 30, 2013, more than 10,000 employees in 50 countries mobilized and offered their expertise as part of the multifaceted Adecco Way to Work™ program. It is designed to provide practical and inspirational support to a generation at risk of exclusion from the world of work. Street Days, an online career center, coaching events, and an innovative work experience contest reached more than 500,000 young people.  more[...]

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  • Water

    Water is life. Without water there would not be life on Earth. We all depend on water – people, business and ecosystems. At the same time, people and business also impact water. We use it without realizing its real value and often take the resource itself and the services it provides for granted. Water availability is increasingly limited. Water resources will not allow for such growth without an increase in the productivity of water use. Business as usual is simply not an option and reversing this trend is imperative.  more[...]

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