• Rupp, Jens

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  • Lowering CO2 emissions in group-wide effort

    Coca Cola Hellenic

    Coca-Cola Hellenic, the largest independent bottler of Coca-Cola products in Europe, is constructing 15 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units in 12 countries as part of a group-wide plan to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in its operations.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Nestlé S.A.

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  • Nestle: Partnership between Nestlé and the Danish Insititute for Human Rights

    Christian Frutiger, Nestlé SA
    Allan Lerberg Jørgensen, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
    Nestlé S.A.

    In 2010, Nestlé entered into a two-year partnership with the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). The purpose of this collaboration is to ensure that the company’s responsibility to respect human rights is understood and implemented within Nestlé’s global operations, and that the learning from this work can encourage other companies to follow.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Lerberg Jørgensen, Allan

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  • Frutiger, Christian

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  • Partnership between Nestle and the Danish Institute for Human Rights

    Christian Frutiger, Nestlé SA

    In 2010, Nestlé entered into a two-year partnership with the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). The purpose of this collaboration is to ensure that the company’s responsibility to respect human rights is understood and implemented within Nestlé’s global operations, and that the learning from this work can encourage other companies to follow.  more[...]

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    Christian Frutiger, Nestlé SA 
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  • Action In the Supply Chain

    Dr. Alexandra Hildebrandt
    Arcandor AG

    Since the nineties, retailers have been paying more and more attention to social Responsibility in the Supply Chain. As there was extensive agreement on establishing common criteria of their individual procurement guidelines, it was only logical for them to pursue a cooperative effort. Originally under the umbrella of the Foreign Trade Association of the German Retail Trade (AVE), these efforts developed at the European level into the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).  more[...]  login_required

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  • Hildebrandt, Alexandra

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  • Keep persevering and act local

    Peter Graf, AMPEG

    Bad news from the world of climate research arrives on our doorsteps nearly every day, and not one day goes by without our using a back door to redress our personal balance of thought on the world in which our children will live one day: Perhaps it is just a temporary glitch in the climate—something natural, that will right itself in the end. Even Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research consoles himself with the hope that the scientific community may have made a collective error on this issue. He expressed his thoughts on the percentage probability of his hopes becoming true in the following statement on 26th March 2009. "Well, the chance that the whole scientific world has actually made a mistake here probably lies below one percent."  more[...]  login_required

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