• Fundación Telefónica

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  • Fundación Real Madrid

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  • Inspirational “Work”

    The importance of work and what we do to help people find jobs cannot be overstated. Work permits us to realize our talents and to contribute to society. It is essential for our social and financial well-being. To foster and enhance the key role we play is clearly our long-term goal.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Inspirational “Work”

    Stephan Howeg, Adecco Group

    The project – Candidate Caring, a public-private partnership – in Italy has the goal to support 31’000 temporary workers hit by the economic crisis get up to speed for their next job. 400 Adecco consultants spread all over the territory are in touch with these ex Adecco employees whose contract could not be extended due to the economic crisis. The project cost Adecco around 10 million euro.  more[...]

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    Stephan Howeg, Adecco Group 
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  • Acciona

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  • Light at Home: Sustainable Energy Access in Isolated Rural Areas

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    The ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation was created to focus the Company’s efforts on social development activities that could meet the real demands and basic needs of the rural population in developing countries. The Foundation’s goal is to work with others to increase access to basic energy, water, or infrastructure services for people and communities that lack the means to acquire such basic services.  more[...]

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  • Light at Home: Sustainable Energy Access in Isolated Rural Areas

    Juan Ramón Silva Ferrada, Acciona

    The ACCIONA Microenergy Foundation was created to focus the Company’s efforts on social development activities that could meet the real demands and basic needs of the rural population in developing countries. The Foundation’s goal is to work with others to increase access to basic energy, water, or infrastructure services for people and communities that lack the means to acquire such basic services.  more[...]

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    Juan Ramón Silva Ferrada, Acciona 
  • The Bayer Climate Program

    Dr. Wolfgang Große-Entrup, Bayer Group
    Bayer Group

    “I consider climate change to be the most pressing challenge facing the world today,” declares Werner Wenning, Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer AG. “After all, climate change endangers the natural basis of all our commercial and social actions.” The consequences for company policy are clear – in this time of global financial and economic crisis in particular, it is crucial that companies set a course that will steer them towards sustainability. This also involves making a clear commitment to climate protection. As part of its comprehensive climate program, Bayer is working to develop solutions across a range of areas that will enable the company to make a contribution to tackling the challenges posed by climate change.  more[...]

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  • Indigenously Produced Organic Fruit

    Gerd Pfitzenmeier
    Amazon Carribean Guayana

    In his factory hidden in the jungle, the French adventurer Pierre Saint-Arroman has taught indigenous workers how to harvest certified organic hearts of palm and pineapples, pack them in cans and ship them to customers in Europe’s organic stores and U.S. malls. With these goods, Amcar and the indigenous people create “benefits for everyone involved”, Richard notes in summarizing the basic business idea. Economic success is, of course, important to him and Pierre Saint-Arroman – but at the same time, they want to help the inhabitants of the Orionoco Delta. “In the first 15 years of our work, Guyana went through economic crises,” Xavier Richard remembers. “Today, the people earn a secure income from Amcar.”  more[...]  login_required

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