• Diversity and Inclusiveness at Ernst & Young

    Sabine Moron, Ernst & Young Germany
    Karin Sahr, Ernst & Young Germany
    Ernst & Young Germany

    The 6th principle of the UN Global Compact addresses the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. At Ernst & Young, we not only believe in that goal from a moral perspective: We are convinced that Diversity and Inclusiveness (D&I) are actually a business must. That is why we do more than just look for ways to prevent or eliminate discrimination; we actively promote diversity as a value crucial to our company.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Diversity and Inclusiveness at Ernst & Young

    Sabine Moron, Ernst & Young Germany
    Karin Sahr, Ernst & Young Germany
    Ernst & Young Germany

    The 6th principle of the UN Global Compact addresses the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. At Ernst & Young, we not only believe in that goal from a moral perspective: We are convinced that Diversity and Inclusiveness (D&I) are actually a business must. That is why we do more than just look for ways to prevent or eliminate discrimination; we actively promote diversity as a value crucial to our company.  more[...]

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  • R&D driving the sustainable future of energy

    Eric Brandsma, E.ON
    E.ON AG

    The world of energy is currently facing its potentially greatest challenge since the invention of electricity. This is being fuelled by three fundamental development trends. Firstly, demand for energy is continuing to increase. The IEA estimates that there will be about a 50 percent increase in demand for primary energy worldwide by 2030. This will require massive investments in energy generation. Secondly, climate change and the real threats it involves demand unrelenting action in support of global climate protection. Thirdly, the fact that fossil resources are not unlimited means that energy has to be treated even more responsibly.  more[...]  login_required

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  • A Nationwide charging network for electric vehicles in Denmark

    Anders Lyngtorp, Dong Energy
    Ørsted A/S

    Our modern lifestyles offer a wealth of exciting possibilities, but also go hand in hand with high energy consumption. Because of the carbon footprint that our energy consumption leaves behind, there is no longer any reason to doubt that our lifestyles affect the climate. Each and every one of us, including DONG Energy, is responsible for minimizing our energy consumption and maximizing our consideration for the environment. As an energy company, we have a special responsibility for producing energy in as environmentally friendly a manner as possible.  more[...]  login_required

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  • A Nationwide charging network for electric vehicles in Denmark

    Anders Lyngtorp, Dong Energy
    Ørsted A/S

    Our modern lifestyles offer a wealth of exciting possibilities, but also go hand in hand with high energy consumption. Because of the carbon footprint that our energy consumption leaves behind, there is no longer any reason to doubt that our lifestyles affect the climate. Each and every one of us, including DONG Energy, is responsible for minimizing our energy consumption and maximizing our consideration for the environment. As an energy company, we have a special responsibility for producing energy in as environmentally friendly a manner as possible.  more[...]

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  • Better Place

    Editorial Team

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    Editorial Team
  • The Green Imperative

    Steffen Frankenberg, Deutsche Post DHL
    Deutsche Post DHL

    Deutsche Post DHL became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in June 2006. At that time, we sought to align our internal environmental commitment and approach with key external international standards. Accepting our environmental responsibility continues to be a challenge and opportunity for us as we seek ways to adapt our business processes and culture to addressing the environmental challenges we face today. Our environmental strategy has three pillars: tackling climate change, improving our overall environmental performance, and minimizing our use of natural resources.  more[...]  login_required

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