• Environment Preservation in the Amazon

    Editorial Team

    Bradesco endeavors to incorporate sustainability into each one of its business activities and corporate strategies. We do believe in a better world for both current and future generations. Considering that socio-environmental investment is one of the pillars of our sustainability core, we support many initiatives regarding that matter in Brazil, through partnerships directed at the preservation of forest environment.  more[...]  login_required

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  • SantanderGroup

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  • Dantas, Eduardo

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  • Environment Preservation in the Amazon

    Eduardo Dantas, Bradesco
    Banco Bradesco S.A.

    Bradesco endeavors to incorporate sustainability into each one of its business activities and corporate strategies. We do believe in a better world for both current and future generations. Considering that socio-environmental investment is one of the pillars of our sustainability core, we support many initiatives regarding that matter in Brazil.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Endesa

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  • Prosegur

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  • Green Technology: Solutions for Climate Change

    Editorial Team

    The Bosch Group is facing the challenge of the climate change. Considering the eminent importance and vast implications of the topic, as an individual or as a single company one might falter faced with such a challenge. At Bosch, however, we are convinced that innovative technology – already in place or yet to be developed – has considerable potential in creating and finding solutions.  more[...]

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    Editorial Team
  • Bosch Group

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  • Green Technology: Solutions for Climate Change

    Bosch Group

    The Bosch Group is facing the challenge of the climate change. Considering the eminent importance and vast implications of the topic, as an individual or as a single company one might falter faced with such a challenge. At Bosch, however, we are convinced that innovative technology – already in place or yet to be developed – has considerable potential in creating and finding solutions.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Market Efficiency

    Prof. Leonardo Becchetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata
    Dr. Rocco Ciciretti, University of Rome Tor Vergata

    Leonardo Becchetti, Rocco Ciciretti and Alessandro Giovannelli investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (hereafter CSR) and I/B/E/S Details analysts’ earnings per share (EPS) forecasts using a large sample of US firm forecasts for the 1997-2004 period. They shows that the net difference between CSR strengths and weaknesses significantly reduces both the absolute earning forecast error and its standard deviation after controlling for standard regressors and year, industry, and firm/broker effects. Their findings are consistent with the hypothesis that reduced transaction costs (and conflicts) with stakeholders and more transparent accounting practices implied by CSR significantly affect the bias.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • A Strategic Alliance to Stop Malnutrition

    Editorial Team

    The Strategic Alliance SAFO (Strategic Alliance for Fortification of Oil) between BASF and GTZ supports local producers in the fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, in particular Vitamin A. Besides technical training, a mobile testing kit was developed to assist quality control and monitoring  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • The Author
  • A Strategic Alliance to Stop Malnutrition

    Dr. Andreas Blüthner, BASF
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

    The Strategic Alliance SAFO (Strategic Alliance for Fortification of Oil) between BASF and GTZ supports local producers in the fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, in particular Vitamin A. Besides technical training, a mobile testing kit was developed to assist quality control and monitoring  more[...]

    The Author
  • Implementing Solutions to Optimize Energy Consumption and Fight Climate Change

    Editorial Team

    In line with Italian and EU energy and environment objectives, Autostrade per l'Italia has boosted initiatives and projects promoting the use of renewable sources for the production of electricity and improvement of energy efficiency in its buildings and infrastructure.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Implementing Solutions to Optimize Energy Consumption and Fight Climate Change

    Simonetta Giordani, Autostrade per l’Italia

    utostrade per l'Italia –100 percent owned by shareholder Atlantia S.p.A., which is responsible for investments and strategies in the transport and communications infrastructure and networks sector – is the leading European concessionaire for toll motorway management and  more[...]

    The Author
    Simonetta Giordani, Autostrade per l’Italia 




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