• Water Stewardship at Coca-Cola Hellenic

    Jens Rupp, Coca-Cola Hellenic

    As populations grow and become more affluent, demand for freshwater grows. Since the world’s freshwater is finite, there is competing demand for this vital resource: for drinking water and sanitation, agriculture, industry, and maintaining ecosystems. Climate change is expected to further disrupt water availability in many areas.  more[...]

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    Jens Rupp, Coca-Cola Hellenic 
  • Work towards “Zero Deforestation”

    Editorial Team

    Engaged since 1997 in an approach to control the sourcing of its wood supplies, Carrefour has been working with WWF since 1998 to privilege FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) -certified wood. The Group is now stepping up these efforts to positively influence all concerned supply chains through appropriate purchasing practices in order to preserve biodiversity, to reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions, and to ensure the respect of human rights.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Caring by Nature

    Editorial Team

    Océ has a long history of environmental awareness. The company was founded in 1877 in the south of the Netherlands by a chemist called Lodewijk van der Grinten, who invented a completely natural coloring agent for margarine so that everyone, not just the well-off, could enjoy something healthy and appetizing on their bread. Earlier that same year, Mr. van der Grinten had investigated the quality of drinking water at the pumps in the town where he lived and the quality of the flour used by local bakers for the local health authority. These innovative practices have been handed down throughout the history of Océ: This commitment to environmental and social responsibility that the Océ founding fathers demonstrated in the mid-19th century is just as strong today.  more[...]  login_required

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    Editorial Team
  • Caring by Nature

    Sandra David, Océ

    Océ is focused on creating value for all stakeholders by realizing profitable, sustainable growth. The Océ strategy aims to optimize business processes, strengthen its product portfolio, and boost distribution power. Sustainability underpins these strategic aims. A strong performance in sustainability contributes to efficiency, stronger product propositions, and provides a powerful market image. It is no coincidence that Océ embraced sustainability as part of its core proposition decades ago.  more[...]

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  • David, Sandra

    Editorial Team

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  • Océ

    Editorial Team

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  • Lead by Example

    Jeffrey Revels, TMS Group
    TMS Group

    The purpose of the venture between TMS and its key customers is to provide a working strategy to implement the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). The key is a partnership in respecting human dignity, managing risk, and maximizing the opportunities in the supply chain by taking a proactive and ethical approach.  more[...]

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  • From compliance to integrity

    Dr. Andreas Pohlmann, Siemens

    In December 2008, Siemens reached a settlement with the investigative authorities in Germany and the U.S., thus bringing to an end the legal proceedings connected with bribery allegations in those two countries and concluding one of the most difficult chapters in the company’s history. Over the last two years, Siemens has implemented one of the world’s most comprehensive compliance programs and created a company culture focused on transparency and ethical business practices.  more[...]  login_required

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  • The Author
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  • Aid for children from the cocoa supply chain in Ghana

    Charlotte Thorø Berghof, Toms Gruppen A/S
    Toms Group

    The recurrent focus on the issue of child labour in the cocoa bean supply chain caused Danish chocolate manufacturer, Toms, to partner with Danida and IBIS, a Danish aid NGO. This partnership has resulted in a Toms education project in Ghana, improving the quality of schooling for 15,000 children in cocoa producing areas.  more[...]  login_required

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