Green Delta AIMS Tower (6th Floor) 51/52
1212 Mohakhali, Dhaka
About Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd.
Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDIC) is one of the leading private non life insurance companies in Bangladesh. GDIC was incorporated in December 14, 1985 as public limited company under the companies’ Act. 1913. But the actual operation of the company started on 1st January 1986, with a paid up capital of BDT 30.00 million only. The shares of the company are listed with both Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges as a publicly quoted company. In 1997, GDIC participated in equity investment to establish Delta Brac Housing Ltd. In 2005, GDIC sponsored a joint venture consortium firm named Green Delta Aims Ltd. This year, the company also floated its very first subsidiary “Green Delta Financial Services Ltd.” – a share brokerage firm. At present the company has been operating its business through 36 branches located at different strategically important areas of Bangladesh. Stepping at it’s 25th birthday, Green Delta Insurance Company Limited has now become a big family of 20 respected board members, 11 dedicated senior management members, 600+ committed staff, numerous valued clients and thousands of esteemed shareholders with a paid up capital of BDT 408.24 million.
With the charismatic leadership of Mr. Nasir A Choudhury, Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. has been leading the wind of change in the insurance industry of the country in terms of service standard, innovative products and legislative restructuring.
With the slogan “Marches with time” --
during the last 25 years, GDIC has been helping people in the time of
need; pulling all the steps when needed and has been proud to be a
partner in progress. Hence GDIC has achieved an excellent market
reputation with the leading position in the non life insurance business
industry of the country.
Products & Services
Takaful (Islamic)
Investment & Portfolio Management
Although CSR has become a part of operations for a growing number of firms in Bangladesh, Green Delta Insurance Company has taken it a step further through its innovative approach. What started with the launch of the Ami Achi (“I’m here”) campaign on December 16, 2016, is now being developed into a full-scale philanthropic movement. Aligning with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ami Achi aims to better the lives of people living below the poverty line while especially focusing on underprivileged children. Sadly, more often than not, these people are ignored, when in reality they need the most attention and care. This groundbreaking innovation of Green Delta plans to change that by working for unfortunate people and providing them with the help and guidance they deserve as human beings.
Bangladesh is a developing country in which women comprise more than 52 percent of the total population as well as the fastest-growing segment of the workforce. There exists a nexus between gender equality and economic growth. An example is Nibedita, which is the first comprehensive insurance scheme for women in South Asia. more[...]
Green Delta Insurance Company Limited has been practicing CSR effectively since the inception of the company. Over the years the organization has put more focus on strategic CSR and has been strictly and consistently following the Ten Principles established by the United Nations Global Compact. This year Green Delta launched a few innovative CSR projects aligning with human rights principles as well as some philanthropic issues. more[...]
It is noteworthy how, in the past few years, Bangladesh has seen rapid progress in many sectors, which was unthinkable even a decade ago. Bangladesh is showing consistent growth every year. We are being viewed as “The Next Asian Tiger” worldwide. Among all the positive news, the absence of human rights in many cases is hindering our development as a nation. Women and children as well as poverty-stricken people are always the most deprived ones when it comes to human rights. more[...]
As the foremost non-life insurance brand of Bangladesh, Green Delta Insurance has many responsibilities to fulfill when it comes to CSR. Participating in activities for the betterment of our environment, Human Rights, culture, sports, and society in general has been a prominently visible trait of the company. The history concerning CSR at Green Delta Insurance goes back years – to a time before CSR became the catch-all concept it is today. more[...]
In January 2012, Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. (GDIC) celebrated its 26th anniversary after being incorporated on December 14, 1985, as a public limited company. The actual operation of the company began on January 1, 1986. At that time, the company only had capital of Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) 30 million. Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. now holds about BDT 510.3 million
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