For many years Africa is the hotspot for hunger and conflicts. But besite all these troubles ether is also a change for change and hope arising. More countries become aware of the ptential CSR has and include corporate responsibility as a fundanetla brickstone for developing citizenship. Our special illustrates variuos aspects. more[...]
A decade ago, corporate social responsibility had only just emerged on the agendas of businesses operating in Latin America. Corporate commitments were limited to the largest firms, usually the multinationals; public awareness and demand for corporate responsibility was low; governments were uninvolved; and civil society organizations promoting CSR were still new and, for the most part, funded from elsewhere. more[...]
The British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has even described the Arab Spring as the most significant event of the 21st Century so far. Our special describes the political and historical backround, focuses on cores sustainability issues in the region like human rights, labour standards and ani-corruption. Another mayor section is the analysis of CSR in the region and role of the UN Global Compact. more[...]
I spent the last two years in Hong Kong where I consulted on Corporate Social Responsibility communications projects for various organizations in Hong Kong and mainland China. What is the current state of Corporate Responsibility there? The short answer is that Chinese companies realize they have greater responsibilities as their presence on the global playing field grows. Leaders of Chinese companies and officials of the People’s Republic of China are aware of the need to expand their corporate responsibility efforts. more[...]
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